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"You know if you keep doing that it's going to break." Said the prison warden. 

Well, what else is there to do, there's nothing to look at out here, just a dirt road for the last two hours. Sure, there are a few markets here and there, but do they stop to see if there are any old arcades?

"What's going to break?" Logan said to his father.

"The motor in the door, it controls the window that you keep rolling up and down. Keep that up, and it will break Logan. Once that happens, no cross breeze. Think being bored is bad, wait till you have no wind to cool you down."

This magnificent tribute to man's need to move was a 1978 Chevy Scottsdale. Logan's father called her, yes her, because all cars and trucks are females, Amelia. He said it was because it flew around the world with him to all his sites. The color used to be dark blue with a horizontal baby blue stripe across its side, but now, seven years old and world weather traveled, it looked more like a rusting oil tanker abandoned to time in the salt flats.

"How much longer till we're there dad?"

"Not too much farther, why don't you read up on the area, I bought those books for a reason." His father said, tapping the pile of books between them.

Read? Sure, if the local paper wrote about him taking the high score in Zaxxon from Frankie at the arcade. But that won't happen now because Logan's dad decided it would be a great weekend for some bonding, the same weekend he and John were supposed to head to the tournament at Tilt Arcade. He had been practicing for weeks, after school and once homework was done, he and John would head straight there and use their allowance on Zaxxon and Paperboy. Frankie, the local pinball wizard, would never shut up about how much better he was and how they had no chance to even come close to his scores.

It was bad enough that Frankie was an obnoxious turd who stood over your shoulder and gave suggestions on how to best complete a run. But his breath, ugh, did his parents ever make him brush his teeth before bed? Doesn't matter anyways he supposed. He didn't have the skills to take down Frankie, that kid spent his life at the arcade it seemed. Where if Logan tried to spend much more than an after-school trip there with John, he would get a lecture about how games rot the brain, and they supply all the imagination for you, leaving you to sit there like a zombie. Dad didn't get it at first, it was more than that, he got to hang out with John. Which was the only kid in their town who Logan actually had a connection to.

If it weren't for him, he would be sitting at home making model planes or having to read about Aztec temples and the migration habits of the indigenous people from the 1300s in the Valley of Mexico. That would be fantastic if he had any interest at all in his father's work, which is why his dad thought was a good idea to drag him along on another one of his expeditions.

"Dad, those books are going to put me to sleep, then how would I enjoy all this dirt you wanted me to see?" Logan quipped.

"Look, son, I know this isn't your ideal weekend and that you would rather be spending it with John in that dark, sweaty arcade. But this isn't like all the other sites I've told you about. Its massive, there is a cavity underground, and we know next to nothing about what is down there."

"Down there?"

"Yup, it's a cavern just under the pyramid, Juan and his team found an access point at the rear base, it looks like it was purposely buried. So, think of it as an adventure kiddo, like one of those games you play, but real life."

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