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I sat on the floor in Cole's room. Glaring at my reflection in the mirror.
'Here's some clean clothes, yours are soaked.'
I took them from him and mumbled a thank you. He sat down on the bed and I pulled off my jeans, putting on his tracksuit bottoms.
I peeled off my shirt and threw it on the ground.
'Oh my god have you seen Ashley's new do- hunter what the fuck man, did he do that to you? I'll kill him.'
I sighed and turned to face him,
'Yeah. It was either me or my mum. I couldn't let her go through that Cole.'
'Yeah I understand, but that doesn't mean you should be going through it instead! Look at you Hunter! You're covered in bruises and cuts, wait are those burns? Hunter did he fucking burn you too?'
I nodded and pulled Cole's clean shirt over my head.   
'I'm going to fucking kill him.'
'No Cole, you're going to drop it. If he even so much as thinks I've told anyone. He'll hurt my mum. Promise me Cole. Promise me you won't tell anyone.'
'I don't know Hunter. This is serious.'
'I swear to god Cole, you know how he can get. Imagine how bad it'll be if he finds out I told you. Imagine how much he could hurt her. Please Cole I'm begging you.'
'Fine Hunter.'
'Do you promise?'
'Yeah.. I promise.'
I sat down on the bed beside him. Wincing as the bruises came into contact with the bed.
I didn't want to make a fuss of it. I'm just protecting my mother. I'm doing what I need to do to get through.
Cole has been here with me through all the tough times. I closed my eyes. Not wanting to sleep but just to rest. Sleep hadn't really been working for me lately. Every time I even so much as closed my eyes, the memories would come rushing back in.

I could hear them arguing downstairs. They've been arguing a lot lately.
Suddenly, I heard a loud SMACK and a thud as someone hit the ground. I came sprinting down the stairs to see my mother lying on the floor clutching her face, tears streaming from her eyes.
'What the fuck did you do to her?'
'No Hunter don't, stay away please. He'll hurt you Hunter. Please baby don't.'
I then turned to look at the man who I had once called dad. The man who raised me, who taught me to ride a bike, who cheered me on at my first football game. He had a murderous glint in his eye. This wasn't the man I knew. And deep down, I could tell he was gone, and that he wasn't coming back.
'I said, what the fuck did you do?!' I had tried my best to keep my voice from shaking. But I knew he heard it. He heard my fear.
He laughed. A slow cruel laugh. And he took a few steps towards me. I swallowed. But didn't back down.
And then, he swung at me. I didn't have time to move, so I got the full force of the hit. I fell to the ground, wiping the blood from my mouth. Before I could recover, I took another blow, to the stomach this time. Followed by another. And another. And another. Until I couldn't think anymore.

I shook my head to get rid of the memories, and opened my eyes to look at Cole, who was staring at me with a look of concern.
'I'm fine Cole. Don't worry.'
'I've watched this happen too many times, it hurts watching you fall apart like this. I really think you should tell someone. Get some help.'
'No Cole. I've got it. It's fine.'
'Okay bro. Just trying to help. That's all.'
'I know, sorry for snapping. I'm just upset and angry. Sorry.'
'Don't apologise Hunter... it's okay. I understand.'
I smiled weakly at Cole, trying to show that I truly was sorry for my outburst.

Soooo. How do you like it so far? Better this style of writing or worse?
Xoxxox darkdreamclouds

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