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I held my breath. What do I say? Do I risk losing her forever and tell her the truth. Or do I lie and say I didn't mean anything that I said.
I shook my head trying so shake the memories from my head.
'Jess, you can't expect me to just sit and watch you fall apart, I won't. You're so fucking self centred you never take two seconds to think about how your actions are hurting other people. Hurting me Jess. I'm sorry but I can't be with you anymore.'
'Well fuck you Hunter. I thought you were different, that you would understand what I'm going through but clearly you don't.'
She stood in front of me with tears glistening in her eyes.
'Here we go, it's all about you! What about me, huh? I'm going through shit too, but of course that wouldn't matter to you, your heads stuck in the sand. You need to wise up and look at what's in front of you. Me.'
'I... sorry.'
My heart broke as I said the words I knew I would regret. The words that fucked it all up.
'I don't care.'

I looked back at the beautiful girl standing in front of me. I knew I had to tell her the truth. She deserved better than this, and I didn't know how to give her what she needed.
'Hunter. What're you doing here?' Her voice cracked, it pained me to see how I hurt her.
'Please let me in Jess, we need to talk, I need to explain myself.'
'No Hunter you don't. You've already made yourself pretty clear.' She went to close the door, as if by instinct I stuck my foot out and stopped the door from shutting.
'I was out of line, please just let me in.'
She paused and didn't say anything. I hoped against hope that she would open the door.. and she did. I sighed a breath of relief and she closed the door behind me.
'Jess, I know I've been a complete cunt, and I'm so sorry I really am. But I'm not here to say that I lied and beg for forgiveness. I know what I said was out of line, but not all of it was bullshit. I know that you've got shit going on I really do, but I just felt a bit shut out. I have shit happening too Jess.. and it just would've been nice if  you had of acknowledged that too, instead of just focusing on yourself.'
I held my breath. She's going to hate me even more now. She's going to hit me.
'I'm so sorry Hunter.'
I froze. Did I hear her right?
'Wait what? You don't hate me?'
'No Hunter, I don't hate you. You're right. I was being self absorbed and I'm so so so sorry for that. Honestly I am.'
I didn't know what to say, so instead I pulled her in for a hug. I felt a few tears escape my eyes and the water clouded my vision. I blinked and let go of Jess, stepping away.
'Hunter.. are you okay? Tell me what's wrong?' I sighed and looked down at her. Did I really want to tell her? Could I trust her not to turn this into something about her?
'Nothing's wrong. Don't worry. I've um.. gotta go, my dad's waiting for me to come home. The match is on. Bye Jess.'
I turned on my heel and left, closing the door behind me, cutting her off mid-sentence.
I hurried around the corner, the rain had stopped, instead replaced by a feeble sun trying to break through the clouds.
I sank down to the curb. Burying my face in my knees as the tears threatened to spill. I tried to control my breathing but I couldn't help as the tears began to fall and my body was racked with sobs. After a while, I raised my shaking hands to my face and wiped away the tears.
I whipped my head around.
'What do you want?'
He sat down next to me and it took every ounce of strength within me not to hit him.
'I.. are you okay? What's up?'
I scoffed. 'As if you care Cole.'
'Look mate, we were close for our whole lives, honestly I miss you. I've sorted it out with Jess and she's forgiven me. I just hope you can too.'
So he sorted with Jess huh? Maybe she's moved onto him already.
'I don't know man. But I've missed you too. You shouldn't have cheated on her, but I suppose I shouldn't have gone out with her, she was your ex..'
'It's okay, an eye for an eye I suppose!'
I laughed and turned to face him. I know what he did was wrong but I haven't really felt right without him. He's been a big part of my life forever, I wasn't ready to give that up.
'What's wrong with you hunter? You can tell me anything.'
I hesitated. I so badly wanted to tell him. To get this shit off my chest.
'It's my dad. He started it again Cole. I thought he had changed, I really did.' I turned and focussed my gaze on my shoes as tears began to fall again.
I felt Cole's arms around me and that only made me cry even more. Only he knew what I was going through.
'It's okay Hunter. Let it out. You can come stay at mine, you don't have to go back there.'
When I had calmed down and stood up, Cole following suit.
'Honestly? I can stay?'
'Of course you can, you can stay as long as you need.'

Here's a long chapter to make up for the extremely short first one. Thought it was time to focus on Hunter, the first book was pretty shit at character development so I'm going to focus on just developing the characters and their own personal stories and backgrounds before jumping straight into the drama. Hopefully this will make the book better.
XoxxoX darkdreamclouds

Pinky Promise  (#2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon