15 Facts Tag!

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I was tagged by xSilverTwee to do 15 facts about me! This should be fun!

1. I joined Wattpad on December 8, 2017.

2. My favorite season is winter. I love the cold.

3. My favorite color is lime green.

4. I like trains.

5. My favorite video game character is Kirby.

6.  I despise seafood.

7. My favorite food is french fries.

8 is my favorite number.

9. I make comics.

10. I have a turtle. His name is Tiddles.

11. I hate mats for some reason.

12. I have way too many books in my bedroom.

13. I'm surprisingly good at math.

14. I love traveling and taking pictures.

15. My favorite letter is Q.

(Basically everyone I was going to tag was tagged. Lol)

Now you know a bit more about me! Thanks for the tag, xSilverTwee! (Hey, that rhymed!)

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