Chapter 1

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"Where are we?" Sayaka cried out in shock, looking around wildly. Madoka was beside her, terrified. They stood in an abandoned city, murky water lapping at their feet, wrecked buildings, flickering lamps, and the general picture of destruction everywhere. There was no-one else in sight until Kyubey suddenly came up to them, its small, feline body relaxed.

"You are in the labryinth of Walpurgisnacht," Kyubey informed them, his innocent voice echoing in their minds. Madoka was confused.

"But you said Walpurgisnacht was too powerful to have a labryinth." Kyubey nodded.

"That is true, but Walpurgisnacht's labryinth is pretty much the earth, after Walpurgisnacht destroyed it, so this is where you are."

Immediately, Sayaka transformed into her magical outfit, gripping her cutlass tightly.

"Then where is Walpurgisnacht? I'm going to go and ki-"

"You can't, because Walpurgisnacht isn't here." Madoka and Sayaka both paused.

"So... Why are we here?" They looked curiously at Kyubey.

Kyubey hopped onto a rock in front of them and began.

"I have already told you that we, incubators, came to Earth because we needed the energy force from magical girls," Kyubey paused, cocking his head to the side and scrutinised them both. "We found that there was more energy when the magical girls used their powers, especially when fighting something. We decided to speed up the process, seeing as it took too long for you all to wait for witches and familiars to hatch, so we placed you here."

Madoka was still confused.

"So, what are we meant to do here?"

Kyubey looked at Madoka.

"Isn't it obvious? We placed all five of you magical girls here, so you can all fight, using your magic to survive an-" Sayaka interrupted.

"Hold on, why did you bring Madoka along then? She hasn't even become a magical girl yet." Kyubey blinked.

"Well, she has such great potential to become a magical girl, we-"

"Kyubey," a calm, stoic voice interrupted Kyubey's words. All three of them turned to see Homura jumping down from the crumbled ruins of a house, already transformed.

How was it? I hope you don't think it's really bad or anything, please comment or vote, or both, because I really want to know what you think of it. :)

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