Chapter 7

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Hey guys umm.. something happened to my book it shows it deleted Chapter 7 so I'm just gonna retype it. and just to let u know this chapter is gonna be short. luv ya.


  Bianca's pov

    All I am thinking right now is What.The. Hell.Is.Happening!? I seriously wanted to be screaming and running away but I am still bleeding an my throat feels to tight

so i can't talk and I don't have enough energy to move because of the lost of blood. I can't tell what Julianna and Tyler are saying but i sure in the hell can can see and right now Julianna has her hand around Tylers neck and he is up in the air. I swear Julianna lost it and i know she isn't stronger than him so why isn't he fighting her back. then all of a sudden i see Julianna put him down and she looks shocked. Tyler is just staring at her. I can't tell what Tylers expression is. All I'm thinking about is how is anyone not seeing what's happening like seriously we are in the middle of the street! !!??? Shit. they're walking over to me. Julianna looks remorseful. Tyler looks nervous. Oh my god are they gonna kill me!? I am using all the strength I have right now to get away from them.

    I barely even moved an inch by the time they got to me. Tyler picks me up and bites his wrist and shoves it in my mouth trying to tell me something I can't make out. All I know right now is that my tongue went over his wrist and his blood tasted so sweet and I didn't want to stop drinking. I sucked and sucked until he finally pulled away. I felt 100 % better. I looked at him and he was staring at me. It was intense.

    " This is all a dream Bianca. You will wake up in your bed and call Julianna and ask her if she wants to hang out and she will say yes. and you will tell her about the dream and laugh about it. "

    "Wha-" was all I could say before I blacked out.

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