Chapter 5

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    Bianca pov

    I was ahead of Julianna by a mile I knew I was. I was so far ahead I couldn't see her anymore and then before I can turn around she I right next to me. Weird.

    "WHOA! How did you catch up so fast?!"

    "uhhh I don't know i ran" She says shrugging.

    "Alright...." I said unsure.

    "So what do you have in your hand?" Julianna said curiously.

    "Oh I think  it's his diary." I say in a non interested tone.

    " Give me the book." She demanded cruely.

    "What?" I said confused.

    " You have no idea what you have in your hand right now Bianca and i do so GIVE ME THE BOOK! " She yells. Julianna's eyes turned red. What the hell is happening to her eyes!

    "You wanna know what's happening Bianca?  your being a little bitch by not handing over his journal Bianca so you can either give it to me or I will get it myself! " She yells.

    "How did you know what I was thinking about?" I wispered.

    "BECAUSE I'M A DAMN VAMPIRE BIANCA HAVE YOU REALLY BEEN THAT CLUELESS!!" She screams. Fuck I don't know where to run I don't know anyone in this neighborhood except.... Tyler. Maybe I can go to the car, wait no I can't she has the keys.

    "Umm.. I don't know what is wrong with you right now but i can tell you that..... uh..... your not a vampire. " I said awkwardly walking backwords toward Tylers house. Then i turn around and start running. I look back and see Juliannna and her creepy red eyes staring and smiling at me. I turn back around and she's standing in front of me.

    " wanna bet I'm not a vampire" She wispered into my ear. Next thing you know she's behind me and has her arms around my neck. Then she bites me. it was the worst feeling I have ever felt. I started to feel week from the loss if blood.

    "Let her go" I heard a growl. I felt Julianna take her teeth out of me.

    " Alright I will let her go." She visiously retorted. All of a sudden i felt my self being pushed hard down to the ground. I was bracing myself for the impact when I felt someone's strong arms catch me. I looked up and saw Tylers eyes looking down on me.

    "Stay here" he wispered. He layed me down on the ground.

    "You ready" Julianna smirked.

    "Bring it" Tyler growled.

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