Double Trouble

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There was no other way to describe it, Tsubasa was scared.

Not the 'Oh Lord help me, it's a spider' kind of scared, but the gut wrenching deep pit of dread you feel when someone you care about is in trouble. Eagle, who was perched on his head, was also jumpy, seen by how he was scrunching up Tsubasa's hair in his talons. In front of him lay Madoka, pale and shivering on the bed. He was giving her medicine and changing the cloth on her head every few hours, but he, not for the first time, felt lost. Tsubasa hated that feeling, of not knowing what to do, he would much rather be in complete control, and have everything go right. As he was making tea for Madoka, he started lunch for Yuu. Putting the tea on her dresser, he put Yuu's lunch on the table and called for him. "Yuu, food's on the table!" Yuu came like a speeding tornado and ate like one too. Tsubasa was in between taking care of Madoka, and keeping the house in one piece after Yuu. After a couple of days, Tsubasa had to struggle to keep his eyes open, let alone try to take care of Madoka and Yuu while keeping up with school. But every time he was about to keel over, crawl into bed and never wake up, he couldn't let his friends down. So days turned into weeks, and Tsubasa was keeping things in order. In short? It was exhausting.

                                                                       ........ ........

About a week later Madoka woke up to find her head wasn't swimming, she could breathe through her nose again, and she wasn't burning up. What a miracle, she thought to herself as she went to the kitchen. "Tsubasa, Yuu?" She called while walking around. Yuu came running towards her, grinning. "You're alive!" He screamed jumping on her. Feeling renewed with energy, she swung him around, while Yuu giggled. "Where's Tsubasa?" She asked curiously. "Oh, he's finishing up his homework." Yuu replied, "It looked like a lot, too much for me!" he said, running away to find something else to destroy.

As Madoka went into the living room, she spotted Tsubasa at the table, sleeping over a particularly heavy textbook, snoring softly, pencil slipping from his grasp. Madoka looked at him smiling. It's good that he's finally getting some rest, she thought to herself, for in sleep, Tsubasa looked like a completely different person. He looked younger, without a care in the world. Mussing his hair gently, Madoka paused to find that his head was unusually much warmer than before. Rummaging for a thermostat in her pocket, Madoka stuffed it in his mouth, only to gasp as his temperature was climbing, burning in fact. This was not a normal warm, this was a dangerous hot. Madoka's shaking fingers called 911, her voice trembling she told what happened.

Waiting in the hospital was hard, and Madoka squeezed Yuu's hand in support. He looked up at her, his bright green eyes radiating fear. "Will Tsubasa be okay?" he asked, his little voice wavering. Madoka felt a lump in her throat, no matter how much of a pest Yuu was to him, he really cared about Tsubasa. "He'll be fine." Madoka replied, trying to convince herself as much as Yuu.

A nurse came to them about an hour later. "The doctor will see you now." she told them both, a kind expression on her face. Leading them into a room, they saw the doctor, a short little man with calm gray eyes. "Is he okay?" Madoka asked, eyes pleading. The doctor's expression revealed nothing as he walked across the room. "He's alright, just burned out." the doctor told them, Yuu staring at him confused. Noticing their curious expressions, he elaborated. "Tsubasa hasn't slept properly for a long time, and on top of that he has been doing a lot of hard work. The stress finally got to him, and he's made himself sick." but the doctor couldn't hide the fact that is was in fact much worse, Madoka could see it in his deep-set, gray eyes. The doctor motioned for Madoka to come closer. "How long has he not been sleeping?" He asked, concerned. Flushing and breaking up internally, Madoka realized she didn't know. "I came over to help out a little over two weeks ago," She explained, unable to hide the tremor in her voice. "But after the first day, I got sick as well, I woke up today and found him sleeping over his homework." The doctor nodded and turned to Yuu. "Has Tsubasa been looking tired recently?" He asked gently. Yuu thought about it for a moment, his little face screwed up in concentration. " Tsubasa's eyes have had big dark circles underneath," Yuu began, pondering. "And he was yawning a lot when he thought I wasn't looking." The doctor nodded once more. "Tsubasa has been telling me and the other nurses he feels fine, however his diagnostic says otherwise. Maybe you two can convince him that he's human, and needs to take care of himself along with others." Madoka and Yuu looked at each other, and nodded together. "We'll do it!" Madoka said, confidence rising, as well as something else. As she thought about it, she realized that it was anger. How could Tsubasa take care of them both so well, while being completely oblivious to the fact that his own health was being sapped away? If he wasn't so sick, Madoka thought as they were about to enter the room, I would've gave him a good yell. 

As they entered the room, Madoka saw Tsubasa reading in a bed. Upon noticing they arrived, Tsubasa quickly put the book back and grinned at them tiredly. " Hey guys!" He said, smiling. But Madoka knew it was forced, it was obvious he was exhausted, both physically and mentally. "How are you feeling?" Yuu asked, his big, emerald green eyes furrowed in concern. Tsubasa noticed the little kid was worried for him, and hurriedly assured him that he was fine, Madoka not believing one word of it. "Yuu, how has school been, I hope you've been doing your homework." Tsubasa said, already knowing the answer. Yuu's grinned, and promptly ran out of the room to go and finish up. Madoka moved closer and asked him, "Now we're going to try this again. How are you feeling? And don't lie Tsubasa, I can just go and check your diagnostic." Tsubasa glanced at her, sighed and replied. "Fine, I'm just a bit tired, alright Madoka?" Madoka put her hands on her hips and glared at him, her blue eyes searing with heat. "Tsubasa, you literally exhausted yourself so that you almost died!" She said her voice rising to a yell. "Now just let the doctors take care of you!" Madoka was surprised that she found herself screaming, and so it seemed was Tsubasa. He looked at her, confused. "Madoka, calm down-" "Don't tell me to calm down Tsubasa, you don't know how worried Yuu and I were!" Madoka yelled. Tsubasa replied, his own amber colored eyes gleaming, despite his wary state. "Madoka, it's not serious enough to bother the hospital, not when there are so many others who need to be here." His eyes gleaming with a sliver of pain, that alone enough to signal to Madoka that he was reliving distant memories, of which were probably scarring. But Madoka didn't care, he could mourn on his own time, it wouldn't get him anywhere when he was this ill. She felt guilty for making him feel this way, but she would rather him be sad and healthy. She was making the right decision for the greater good, right?

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