Den Suprises

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Fenty PoV

Pat: So you said furniture did this to you?

Me: Yes, why you don't believe me?

Pat: I just don't see furniture doing this much harm.

Me: I'm just ready to eat, what are we having?

Pat: Food. Joe why didn't you tell me she was this banged up?

Because he was the one trying to bang me in the first place.

Joe: Must have slipped my mind.

Pat: Where's Galina?

Joe: She had other obligations.

He probably told her to stay her ass home since he controls her too.

Me: I'm glad no drama for me. You are too nice because I would have been rejected her from family dinners.

Joe: You got a smart mouth it'll be a shame if someone does something to it now wouldn't.

Me: My boyfriend already does.

Joe: Boyfriend?!

Pat: Joe your tone. I don't know where you got all this anger from.

Joe: From bitches who try to play me like some fucking game.

Me: That's the game of life.

I knew I was getting to him but paybacks a bitch. The funny thing about it is that I don't have a boyfriend but to see him aggravated gives me do much pleasure. Truth be told he shouldn't even be this angry with me when he has a whole wife and a kid. Or whatever one wants to call Galina.

Joe: Mom how do you feel about teenagers getting pregnant.

He was really starting to irked me now. He has some nerve to ask her about teenage pregnancies.

Pat: I think that it's alarming that babies are having babies.

Me: How do you feel about girls getting rape and their oppressor forcing them to get an abortion.

Pat: Wow I think that's awful what's up with the many questions .

Me: Just wondering that's all.

Sika: Fen could you go in the den to get the steaks out the deep freezer.

Joe: I'll help.

Running out to the den I forgot how fast and stronger Joe was than me. He pulled me inside the den locking the door and his eyes locked on me like a predator to it's prey.

Joe: This is where it all began, it's only fitting if we do it again.

Me: I'm not in the mood.

Joe: Funny because I am. You let another man touch you? I'm the only man that is only allowed to look and see you like this.

Me: It was all a lie.

Joe: Nah you covering up for him, let me remind you who the only man in your life is.
With that he bent me over the deep freezer and started to rip the pants off that I was wearing.

Joe: So you just walk around without wearing panties I see probably for the ass.

Without any warning he just started pounding me from behind reminding me how big he was and how bad I secretly wanted.

Joe: I forgot how tight you were and how wet you were. Don't act like you didn't like when I used to do this.

I couldn't even formulate a sentence. I can admit that the only time that I like him being dominant is the bedroom. The way he can control every movement with my body sends me on overdrive. Then he started to pound harder and faster just the way I like it.

Joe: I'm done. Since you want to be disrespectful and get a boyfriend behind my back why don't you have him finish you off.

Me: Are you fucking serious?

Joe: As serious as a heart attack. What gave you the right to get a boyfriend.

Me: The same day when you decided to marry Galina.

Joe: Your jealousy can be pathetic you know that.

Me: You can't have two girls it doesn't work like that.

Joe: It works the way I wanted to and tell me where are you going without me. You need me especially if you want to go to California.

Me: I don't need you, I found another job and that's one of the reasons why you want be seeing tonight in my room. Now you better before dad gets worried.

Joe: You got a job that's late at night.

Me: Yeah let's just say I'm a waiter.

Joe: Where at?

Me: None of your business that's where.

Joe: Fenty don't test me.

Me: Already did and you failed it on multiple occasions. So long Joe and please do not follow me.

Joe: You're not the boss of me if more than anything I control you.

Me: Keep thinking that.

Joe: No Fenty you keep thinking that shit, I control you in fact I control your whole entire life. You know what?

Me: What?

Joe: You are nothing but an ungrateful bitch. Thanks to me and my family you have a life, you have a place to stay. You have money in your pockets.

Me: You are tight asshole but let me tell you this. You don't have anything on me. You can keep the shit. You can keep your family, you can keep your house, you can keep the money and you can keep the clothes. You know what you need to do get your fucking priorities right. You have a family, you have a wife so why are you worrying about.

Joe: I got my priorities right and I know who I want. Who said I can't have a wife and a girlfriend on a side? Don't you know you are my bitch and whatever I say goes. Galina? What you jealous that she has a ring and you don't?

What? Now he's tripping I don't even want to be with him. He won't let me go and live my life. ALL I WANT TO DO IS BE FREE.

Joe: Cat got your tongue? So how about this me and you go to the beach house this weekend and you know get wet?

Me: I can't I have to work?

Joe: Where?

Me: My pimp house.

Joe: What?

Me: You heard what I said and he doesn't appreciate you touching his client. Bye, have a nice place in Hell because I am going back to Cali.

Thanks for viewing this book everyone, first book on here. Thanks for the follow and the comments. Can't wait to read your stories more

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