No More Pain

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Fenty PoV

Patricia: Fenty you're 18 years old acting like your eight

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Patricia: Fenty you're 18 years old acting like your eight. I accepted that you didn't want to go to college but now you have to get a job because it seems like all you want to do is get drunk and smoke weed everyday.

This seems like to be the same story everyday. Patricia gets mad at me because I'm not living up to the standards that she sees me as and I just come up with the same damn answer.

Me: Look Patricia, I understand where your coming from but I'm living my life before it's gone. What I don't understand, is why you don't get that? I would have had a normal life if my parents weren't killed in that fire.

Galina: Here comes that sob story again. I mean when are you going to grow up and take responsibility.

Me: When are you going to actually get a real job and stop using Joe for his money and stop saying it's for Jojo. Bitch you at the club every night. Better yet when are you going to be a real mother to your kid and stop asking Patricia to do everything?

Galina: At least I have a real mother that's alive and not being some poor charity case that they felt the need to take you in. I'm pretty sure your parents are in a better place now because they are away from you. You should have died with them in that fire. It sure would have made this family's life better. I mean look at you what man would actually want you and what family will actually want you, this family doesn't even accept you like that.

Patricia: Galina that was uncalled for and Pey don't listen to anything she says we do accept you for who you are.

Me: Deep down, I know that's not true so I make everything better and leave. I'll get my things and I'll be gone before dinner.

I mean what's the point of feeling like an outcast everywhere you go. I don't even belong in Florida, I was raised in California to be with this family. It's not even the family it's Galina. She thinks she's entitled to everything because Joe's her husband. He's another story with his arrogant ass he didn't like me from the start but ask me if I give a fuck.

Joe: What's going on here?

Galina: Fenty is finally going to leave.

Joe: Thank you I didn't want you in this family anyway. You know how embarrassing that is to have you walk around in this house.

Me: Not embarrassing as me saying that I'm actually living with you and you keep saying shit about me I'll tell everyone what you did. I actually feel sorry for your daughter because she's going to have both of you as parents.

Galina: What did he do?

Joe: Well at least she has parents in her life. Instead of getting burned now isn't that right. Also Galina that's a story for another time.

Me: Pat thank you and Sika for guiding me these past years but I think it's time for me to leave before I do something or say something I might regret.

Patricia: Are you sure you want to leave? Here's some money.

Me: Yeah I'll keep in contact with you.  I don't need your money, I'll make my own.

With that I left out the house that I thought was holding me back. My first plan is to go back to California. The funny thing is how am I going to go when I don't have any money. So that means that I am going to have to find a way to get easy money.  Walking down the street I noticed a car pulling up to me.

Joe: Get in the car!

Me: No and I don't know who the hell you think you are to just talk to me like you run shit.

Joe: Fenty I don't have the time or the patience get in the fucking car. You got my mom having an anxiety attack because you want to be like a little bitch.

Me: I'm acting like a little bitch but you got a bitch at home that need to be put in her place. You don't have the balls to check her but you sure do like to try to check me. I don't have time for the games Joe you already in why I want to leave in the first place and I don't need you trying to be bring me back, you've done enough.

Joe: Typically Fenty, play the victim role and another thing you are coming back to the house because Vanessa gave you a job at her store and you are going to work there and that's the end of this conversation. Get in the fucking car NOW!

I know it may seem like he got me in check but trust me he doesn't. I got in the car because he was starting to make a scene and that's not the move that I want to have. Typical Joe, he always have to ruin moments for me but nobody ever seems to care. I'm going to take this job so I can save up my money to go to California. I know they say I don't have any family left but there got to be someone who's still around.

Joe: When we get in the fucking house I want you to apologize to my mother and that's all I want to here from you.

Me: Maybe you've forgotten that I'm 18 years old and I'm not you daughter.

Joe: Me and you are well aware that you are not my daughter. Let's not play dumb now remember the game plan.

Me: Fuck You.

Joe: I would have but I have standards.

Me: Oh really you didn't have(gco)

Joe: You're giving me a headache shut the fuck up.

Me: Which head?

I kind of felt bad for leaving Patricia like that because walking in the door I can see that she was crying just by how red her face is. Galina of course didn't look amuse but then again there's nothing about her that looks amusing.

Me: Patricia, I'm sorry.

Patricia: You didn't have to apologize.

Joe: Yes she did girls like that you need to know how to handle them. If she gets out of hand again call me. I'll be over in a heartbeat, Galina let's go.

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