Chapter 3: Shops

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The brothers walked slowly into the city and then out into the woods. Elder Kettle always loved the woods, never the city. Which is why he built his house in the woods. The brothers loved it as well, but they still left anyway.

The two saw smoke rising from the spout of the kettle house. Someone was in the house. Who was it? They wouldn't know until they knocked on the door.

Cuphead set his suitcase down and knocked three times. No answer came. Mugman then set his suitcase down and knocked three times. This time a groan was heard before quick steps.

"Yeah what da ya want?" The door opened and the brothers gasped.

"What are you doing here?" Cuphead said raising his finger pointing it at Mr.Wheezy.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down!"

"Cuphead wait! He has an explanation!" Mugman said stepping in front of Mr.Wheezy.

Cuphead looked at his brother then back to Mr.Wheezy before lowering his finger.

"Okay damn. A friend of mine said I had to look after the place until the new owners arrived. Guess you two are it."

Wheezy explained before letting out a puff of a cigar. Cuphead and Mugman quickly picked up their suitcases and walked inside.

They walked up the steps and into their old bedroom. Their bedroom was the same as before. Elder Kettle must not have had the heart to remove anything.

The two set their suitcases down on their beds and moved to Elder Kettles room. Mugman at this point was crying, but Cuphead tried to be strong for his brother.

Cuphead opened the door and entered Elder Kettle's room. The room smelled like tea and chocolate. Two of Elder Kettles favorite things.

Mugman stepped further into the room and laid on the bed. "We shouldn't have left."

Cuphead sat on the bed. "You didn't have to come. I wanted to go. You should've stayed."

Mugman hugged one of the pillows close to his chest. "Sooner or later. We'll have to move all this away." Mugman said quietly, but loud enough for Cuphead to hear.

Cuphead reached over to the nightstand and picked up a picture. "It can be later then."

Cuphead laid down next to his brother and clutched the picture tightly. Mugman nodded sobbing into the pillow.

Cuphead looked at the picture in his hands. It was the last picture the three of them took before the brothers left. Cuphead had his arms crossed but smiled. Mugman was hugging Elder Kettle. Elder Kettle had his arms around the two brothers securely. Cuphead felt a tear run down his cheek and wiped it away.

Cuphead looked at Mugman to find him asleep. He stood up and quielty put the picture back before covering his brother up.

Cuphead exited the room and closed the door. He walked down stairs to see Wheezy was gone but left a note.

Gotta head to work at the casino. I'll be back tommorrow morning to help you guys with things.

Cuphead crumpled the paper and bit his lip. " trip won't hurt."

Cuphead unruffled the paper and wrote on the back of it.

Headed to the shops. Be back in a bit.

Cuphead tightened his bandana around his neck and left locking the door behind him. The night sky was visible in Inkwell Isle. On the main land it was filled with lights and the stars in the sky was barley visible. If you were lucky you could see them once a week. Most of the time though no one would stop to appreciate what the earth had to provide.

Cuphead buttoned up his jacket as he walked. The night was cold and light snow was beginning to fall. Cuphead however paid no mind to it, only appreciating how silent and beautiful it was. Something he could never do with the hassle and bustle of the city.

Then he noticed music playing. He looked straight ahead and noticed the casino blasting music and lit up like a Christmas tree. The casino changed quite a bit. Cuphead can only guess it was remodeled soon after they left for main land.

The music soon got louder once Cuphead got to the steps. He took in a breath and walked in. Cuphead looked around and saw people having all sorts of fun. It brought a smile to his face.

"May I take your coat?"

Cuphead turned to see Pip and Dot. "Oh uh sure."

Cuphead handed his coat off to the pair and received a ticket in exchange. "Have a nice night!" The two said before turning to another customer.

Cuphead walked further into the casino the bright lights making him grimce a bit.

"Hello welcome to Devils Casino! Have a nice night!"

Cuphead felt his heart beat pick up. His eyes scanned the casino before falling upon a certain dice. He didn't change a bit. Cuphead felt his feet move on their own. He watched as Dice turned around about to walk off.

"Hay." Why did he call out? He could've completely walked away, but it was too late.

"Hello welcome to the Devi-" he stopped mid-sentence upon seeing Cuphead.

Cuphead took in a breath wanting to excuse himself but instead. "Long time no see, how ya been?"

Cuphead watched as Dice froze and just stared at him. Cuphead opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Cuphead!" Cuphead felt a hand clamp over his shoulder and pull him away from King Dice. For some reason that upset Cuphead.

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