Ch. 4

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"Does anyone have anything?" Gibbs asked, as he headed to his desk with a coffee in hand. When no one answered right away, he glanced up quickly and at his team. "Come on! Does anyone have anything?"

"Uh sorry Boss," Tim began, turning the monitor back on as Gibbs stood and walked over. "Our new victim is Ensign Kevin Coble. According to Ducky, he was killed between 12 and 2 this morning, same as our last victim."

"Did some digging, Boss, and he had been on a date last night with this woman, Talia Malone. She is the manager at a local book store. Apparently, that was how they met, was at her work. He came into the store, and as they say, the rest was history," Tony added.

"They were last seen at Zaytinya's, the same restaurant our first victim and his girlfriend went to. The credit card receipt shows that he paid at 11:13."

Gibbs went back to his desk before turning to McGee and DiNozzo. "Bring her in you two. Ziva, reach out to the restaurant and try to figure out why our two dead sailors ate at the same restaurant and were killed within an hour or two of them leaving."

"Yes Boss," all three replied in unison before Tony and Tim left and Ziva turned to her computer.


After the girlfriend had been brought in, and Gibbs had talked to her, they realized that they were stalling again on the case, just as they had the first time.

Gibbs told them to go home, so they could be rested for the next morning to begin working on the case again.

Tim had sent Matt and Beth texts, inviting them over to his apartment for beer, pizza and a movie. He arrived home, showered and changed, so he would be clean and presentable when his company arrived.

He had just pulled a MIT t-shirt on when there was a knock on the front door. He looked through the peephole, smiled and opened the door. Tim leaned down, kissing Beth quickly before taking the pizza out of her hands and heading to the kitchen.

"Nice to see you too, Agent McGee," she said, giggling as she shut the front door. She kicked her shoes off, left her purse on his computer chair and followed him into the kitchen. He set the pizza on the island, next to the plates, napkins and forks. He had three pilsner glasses out, awaiting the beer that Matt was bringing.

He turned, catching Beth around the waist. He twirled her for a moment before replying, "I missed you today."

She smiled, "I missed you too. So what are we watching tonight? I hope nothing too manly."

"I believe Matt agreed to Top Gun," he replied, smiling as well. He let her go when another knock was heard at the front door.

Tim opened the door, "Hey Matt! I'm glad you could make it. Beth is already here."

Matt handed off the beer, taking his shoes off. "I had to stop to get the booze," he replied, closing the door. He followed his childhood friend into the kitchen.

"Matthew Bower, Elizabeth Morgan."

"Nice to meet you finally Matt. Tim has told me so much about you," Beth said, holding her hand out. Matt took it and the two shook. "Its nice to meet you too Beth. Tim has been telling me about you too."

"Okay, lets get eating and drinking!" Tim interrupted, pouring a beer for each of them.

They grabbed their food and beers and headed into the living room to watch the movie.


The next morning, Gibbs was the last one in the bullpen, having stopped to get his morning coffee. As soon as he had entered the bullpen, he saw that his team working on their computers, trying to figure out the complex case they were facing. All clues lead nowhere, and they were no closer to the killer than they had been with the first body that was found.

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