To Be A Hero pt 1

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"A Sayian?" Izuku asked curiously before the monkey tailed girl.

"Yes a Sayian, more specifically a warrior race." Gine responded to Izuku.

Both teens where in the Midoriya residents sitting in the living room only a few hours after the impactful entrance the tailed girl had made on the beach.

"A warrior race?" Like as in you fight a lot?" The boy asked out of confusion and curiosity. The girl had a bit of frown after the last question was asked. Izuku regretted prying on the extraterrestrial being. "Oh umm sorry if I asked to much." The boy apologized as he did not want to make the Sayian in front of him feel terrible.

"No it's alright, in truth we have a lot of talent in regards to fighting but that also means we can be dangerous if we go to far." Gine states with solemn in her soft voice. Izuku felt that maybe he asked a different question and completely change the subject.

"Would you like something to eat?" The girl nodded as her stomach growled at the thought of any food in her system would be great. After all Gine spent a year in human time getting to Earth without any pit stops and being asleep that long will make any Sayian feel the need to eat whole buffet of meat or anything high in protein.

"Okay I will be right back it will be done in a couple of mins." Izuku went into the kitchen and proceeded to make dinner for the guest of outer space.

Gine sat and waited for the boy on the couch. 'Now the time to check and see his power level'. The monkey tailed girl had a device on her left eye which was known as a scouter in the galaxy market for mercenaries, law enforcement, and planet plunders.

With raise to her of her hand to the scouter and a single press of a button a barley audible beeping noise came alive as a little cursor on Izuku zoomed in as it did a full boy scan. Symbols that represented numbers to Gine appeared on the device.

Gine was surprised of the scouter was telling her. Izuku's power level was not high or impressive by all means. It was surprising of how below average the boy's energy reading was. On earth the highest power level was barely a couple hundred on record but for growing and grown habitats their average would be twenty to sixty.

'This guy!' That's right Gine saw the very lowest she had ever seen in her life: A power level of six.

Gine felt herself sweating a bit from the amount of shock that was going through her. This boy who looks about the same life cycle as her has the power reading of a low class Sayian newborn. 'Oh well... its better that he does not mean a threat to me but what about the rest of his race?' Gine turned off the power reading device and setted it aside on the peice of white furniture in the living room.

"G-Gine, h-here ya go." Izuku came from the kitchen with a bowl, a normal sized one that the alien girl would call very small. Izuku sat dinner down in front of the girl who clearly looked confused as the nervous boy back away and looked at the girl. "Umm I-Is something wrong? I am sorry if its not what your used to eat but this is the only dish I can really make." Izuku appologized for not asking about what kind of food does she eat but it was already to late now when the war cry of hunger came from the abdomen of the Sayian.

Gine was hungry for anything at this point. Grabbing the bowl by the sides and started eating fast and without pause for the first two seconds. The girl halted her feasting upon the bowl and started feel a bit cold and warm feeling.

She felt the warmth of food in her mouth and in her system, though there was a chilling feeling upon her skin.

Maybe the lack of food for a very long time was getting to her as she ate at first. Though the taste... the taste was very... amazing. Whatever the dish was it made the girl feel like she was at the royal palace of her Home planet hosting a enormous feast for this was one bowl yet it made her feel full.

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