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He lays on his bed

Hoping the voices

Are only in his head

Wondering if he screams

Maybe they will stop fighting

Banging on the walls

Cuss words in the air

Tension is evident

But they Do Not Care

Tears escape

He shuts his eyes

"Do not cry"

He whispers to himself

"Do not be weak"

The ten year old's

tears continue to seep

His skin feels like fire

For his mom could not have been higher

Trying to escape this world

But leaving her son behind

To face Hell

He gets in the covers

Pulls the blankets

Over his head

Hoping one day

His dads hunger

Will be fed

For the feeling was never fleeting

When his dad gave him a beating

That always left him screaming

"Are you a man?"

his father would ask

" No Dad"

Resulting in a smack

Once it was over

He would get under the covers

Laying in his bed

Wishing the voices

Were only in his head

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