The destination on the map.....

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.... had already been decided.  Months of preparation had gone into choosing the perfect place.

Now, that the time had come, she was reluctant to go.  It had seemed like heaven before, leaving everything behind and starting a new life somewhere but now that the moment had arrived, she was reluctant to say the least.

It wasn't the place that was causing this change of heart.  She had always wanted to go there.  Many hours of staring at the map and her eyes had always settle on this place.  The destination she was sure of.  It was her travelling companion that she was not so confident of.

It's hard to pin point when the change happened.  One minute he was her soulmate, the one she wanted to be with for the rest of her life, even willing to sacrifice her friends, family and career to go away with him.  She was in love with him, wasn't she?

She tried to remember these feelings now.  The passion, the tenderness, the feeling that he was her everything but these memories were now tainted. Somehow there was an edge of danger.  Maybe there always had been and that was why their love had been so intense, both in and out of the bedroom.

"You ready babe?", his voice called from the next room.  She felt so many emotions telling her to stop this now, before it was too late.  If she took herself away from the safety of her family and friends, she really was putting herself completely and utterly in the hands of this man.

However, in typical style for her, she pushed all of those feelings deep down inside.  To the place where she put all of the things she didn't want to deal with.

She walked through to the room, with her practiced smile on her face, "Sure honey, I'm ready".

Even as they drove off towards the airport, she felt that she was being pulled away, or more worrying, pulled towards something that was not good.

She should have listened to these feelings.  As what was about to unfold for her, even she could not have foreseen.

  As what was about to unfold for her, even she could not have foreseen

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Words by HazyfantazyWhere stories live. Discover now