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the sidekick
the sidekick isn't a leader. they stick by and watch it all happen, from a different perspective. they are usually extremely loyal to their leader, but may have conflicting thoughts about betrayal and always feeling second best.

the two faced
this person isn't sincere. the word backstabber comes to mind. they seem nice and sweet but are actually quite mean, and often lie and talk about people behind their back. it would be interesting if one character knew the person was two faced and spent the book trying to convince everyone else.

the cousin
there are a lot of sibling fics, but what about cousins? the cousin is staying with them temporarily or moving in permanently. it's a fresh change from the sibling thing. (this is not a personality type!)

the social climber
this person is obsessed with social standing and other people's opinions of them. they would do anything to 'climb' the social ladder, and can be manipulative, are good at sucking up, & quite pretentious.

the gossip
this person cannot keep their mouth shut. they always seem to 'hear things through the grapevine', are nosy, and terrible secret keepers. they are blunt and often the one to bear bad news. they aren't necessarily well-liked, but are well-known.

the ditz
this person is scatterbrained and a bit slow to catch onto things. their defining characteristic is 'profound stupidity' or plain old oddness. they are usually friendly, sociable, and lovable, but are looked on as naive and dim-witted.

( lena! )

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