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literally the most popular tags used in finn wolfhard fics are 'self harm' 'depression' and 'suicide'. and the worst part is the people who write self harm have never self harmed or know anything about it.

'april ran into her room and threw herself on her bed. "i'm so ugly. no one likes me." she cried as she carved herself. then the door rang. it was mike. "baby what's wrong? you're so perfect." he said. self harm is never brought up again because some saying 'you're perfect' once can cure depression.'

there are a lot of reasons to self harm. it's a serious issue and don't you dare try to write it just for plot without knowing anything about that. it's rude and horrible to the survivors of it.

self harm can become a habit and takes extreme willpower to break. some sufferers of it hate the pain and would love to stop, but continue because they believe they deserve it. in the 80s, this stuff would be much more hidden and if exposed you have self harm you would most likely be labeled as a freak.

— depression. most common reason. oc might think they deserve pain and suffering. when using depression (a mental illness) as a reason, if you are not knowledgeable with depression, you shouldn't write it. a lot of dark stuff can go on in your mind as you self harm.

— peer pressure. you saw your friends do it, so you feel you should try too. this doesn't have a place really in a stranger things fic (maybe a social media fic) as the kids aren't shown to self harm.

— less breached reason: oc is bored. it's not common, but sometimes people hurt themselves because they have nothing to do and are bored.

there are a lot more reasons, just remember someone's pain is not your plot point.


to all the people who are clean (even a few days) i believe in you, you can do so much. and the ones who aren't, you don't deserve the pain. you're not a animal, you're beautiful and amazing.

( kitty. )

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