Chapter 21: Vampire

Start from the beginning

Deciding to hear back before anyone else on the street noticed him surrounded by seven servants. Yes, his servants appeared seconds after Jeanne was summoned to see for themselves what happened. To say at least they were surprised to see Ruler was an understatement.

Yuto wondered if Semiramis and Jeanne would get along. During the Great Holy Grail War the two were bitter enemies. Speaking of Semiramis he wondered if she hated Mordred for what she did in the same Grail War as well. Mordred automatically didn't like Semiramis as she reminded the knight of her Mother and his Aunt, Morgan Le Fay. The sister of King Arthur wasn't exactly a good person and Yuto would be lying if deep down he had some traits of his aunt.

Though when the two first met here they didn't seem to mind each other. Which is great but they could just be keeping their thoughts about each other to themselves. If an enemy servant or a team of them weren't going to get the ones to eliminate them than the possibility is that they would destroy themselves from the inside.

There could be fighting between the servants he summoned and Yuto would be forced to use a command seal or two. Heck he may need to use all three which still wouldn't be enough if more than three of them were to fight with another. Another problem would arise that they could simply kill him once all of his command seals were gone. However Yuto doubt they would kill him when he ran out of command seals since many of his servants have shown to be loyal and caring to him and vice versa. Something he was grateful for since a servant killing their master and a master being cruel to their servant wasn't such an uncommon thing.

Looking over at all of the summoned servants he managed to gather in this world full of devils, fallen angels, and angels. Yuto pushed his previous thoughts to the back of his mind. For now he'll enjoy he current peace he had with the many Heroic Spirits here today with him. Speaking of which the devils now staying at his home must be wondering where he was right about now. Getting his servants attention they all disappeared into their spirit forms as the faker continued his walk home.

This time he traced an umbrella as he walked in the rain home. Yuto almost wanted to jump off a cliff at how much of an idiot he was. He can trace pocky but he can't even trace an umbrella he forgot to get for today.

Sometimes he questioned himself and his apparent stupidity.


Some time as passed since the current two leaders of the underworld decided to stay with our protagonist as it was the same time passed when he summoned his Ruler Class Servant. Yuto was explained by Grayfia that due to the Excalibur Accident the leaders of the Three Factions were gonna have a meeting here in Kuoh to discuss the matter. They could also possibly all sign a peace treaty so that war may never start again and there could be peace with all three of them.

Yuto only nodded in understanding, he recently got knowledge on Great War that was fought between the three factions. While he didn't know the cause of the war the Faker knew it had something to do with how the original Lucifer fell and denied God of the Bible's teachings. That must have spread onto the devil race during the time it was being created. This knowledge of an angel falling and turning into a devil possibly could have spread onto the other angels. Most likely they started to question their lords teachings abc soon fell to become fallen angels.

The cause of the war was no other than the disagreement of one Gods teachings.

Yuto could only frown at that as he himself wasn't really a religious person. Though he had to admit that religions had their flaws. If someone went back or even questioned their teachings than they were viewed as Heretics and shamed upon. Back then they would have also killed them with the excuse if they did it for their lord.

For the supernatural this probably happened. Thinking back Jeanne was known as a saint and was very loyal to her lords teachings, even now she still was. Though she was repaid by being branded a witch and was soon burned to death. Even in her final moments she was still loyal and faithful to her lord. If it were anyone else they probably would have rejected god by now if they were turned into a Heroic Spirit. No doubt they would become an Avenger Class Servant, though not all Yuto thought. Shirou Kotomine was betrayed by the same lord he was faithful too. But the servant was a Ruler and he didn't seemed like he wanted to destroy the world or the god that betrayed him. No, he simply wanted to save humanity as he couldn't save his people from during the time he was alive. Also to make sure the same mistakes were never repeated.

Once again pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind Yuto walked with the Orc club to their clubroom. He yawned as he looked at Rias with a questioning look.

" So mind telling me where we're going Tomato?" Asked the faker using the adopted nickname he gave Rias when they and their servants sparred with each other. It was a fitting nickname if one were to ask him.

Pouting at the black hair male Rias answered his question " I just wanted to drag you along since you appeared to have nothing to do back home"

" Actually I could have cleaned, cooked Xenovia her huge lunch, or went out shopping" Yuto listed off as Xenovia started to drool at the thought of eating his cooking. Strangely enough Koneko did as well as the two days she stayed in the Emiya Home the Loli had gotten a taste of the Fakers cooking.

Pouting yet again Rias spoke " Alright I get it I just wanted to show you one of my peerage members"

" You have more?" He questioned with a bit of curiosity.

The red head nodded " Yes though I had to seal them as their power was too dangerous and it couldn't be controlled. But I have permission from my sister to unseal my first bishop."

Nodding in understanding Yuto dropped the topic. They arrived at the club room and went downstairs into the second level where Yuto saw a large coffin in the middle of the room. He wondered what could be inside and most likely thought it would be a vampire. Their race is known for sleeping and staying in coffins from the many movies he watched.

Though Twilight was crap and he wasn't going to watch or read crap.

Rias did a few things as the coffin started to open up but as she did they all heard a voice yelling.

" NOOO!!!! I DONT WANNA COME OUT!!!" The voice said clearly panicking and trying to keep the coffin closed.

Rias and Akeno tried to calm down whoever was inside until the coffin finished opening. Once it was opened Yuto saw a small framed person wearing loose clothing. They had purple eyes and blonde hair as well as pointed ears and fanged teeth. Revealing the person in front of him was a vampire. One would think that the vampire here was female due to their appearance.

However Yuto had seen the horrible work of Rider of Black. The only thing he managed to say was

" Traps are Gay "

End of Chapter

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