Happy Birthday Jax

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Today was officially the worst. Not only was I locked out of the house for the weekend (my dad went out of town while I was at town and forgot that I don't have a key), but my phone and my meds were in there, and so I have to go all weekend without them. Thankfully, my mom has an emergency supply of medication at her house, so I should be fine. But damn if I won't miss my phone. 

My brother's birthday party is tomorrow. As I mentioned earlier, he has Aspergers and hyperactive ADHD. He is turning 8, and we are the EXACT opposites lol. He's a sensory seeker, straight af, likes dogs, bounces off the wall, and is a bit lower functioning than me. He is bipolar, and I swear one minute he hates me, and the other he loves me. It's hard, because he always wants to hug and touch me, and is disgusting, but I love him. Happy birthday, bro. May the force be with you.

My school is doing a walk-out to protest the school violence on the 14th. I'm not sure if I'll go... on one hand I agree with the cause but on another I don't want my teachers to hate me (especially Gary...). I guess I'll just have to see. :/

I would like to inform you all of one of my special interests... slugs. I love slugs, I think they are so cute and sweet. If you salt slugs, you are an animal abuser. Period. Please help save these creatures from this cruel treatment. 

Additionally, I like blobfish. I feel like they remind me of me. Maybe I just like gross slimy things lmao. Please, no hate comments on these beautiful creatures. Maybe they aren't popular (and even bullied by pop culture), but that doesn't mean that they don't deserve our love. Next time you see a slime trail on the concrete, remember the beautiful creature that left it. <3

ALSO, did you hear that a Russian athlete was caught taking steroids? And guess with what sport? CURLING. It's official, the world is crazy. 

Sorry, I know I jump from topic to topic. ADD is a bitch. So is ASD. I made a page big list of foods I eat, and most of it was dairy and chocolate. I am VERY picky, and I think KETCHUP is spicy (yeah, ik). My parents get so mad because usually we have to make 2 things; one for them and one for me. I don't mean to be difficult, I swear. I just can't force myself to choke something down that I will throw up later. I also have a hard time eating healthy, because the only healthy stuff I like I eat a ton of until I hate it. I eat a salad made of 20% iceberg lettuce and 80% ranch. Is that why I have a muffin top? Maybe... ._, But that's okay, because I think chubby girls are actually really cute! And, tbh, I don't even like pineapple so I can't weigh in on the pineapple pizza debate. 

Anyways, how was your guys' day?  

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