Indirect Confession

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Karen's POV

I reappeared in front of Aoi, who was sitting at his desk. I appeared in a swirl of water and outside lightning struck. I clenched my fist. Aoi saw me and he sneered.

"Karen. So you've returned?"he spoke. I glared hard at him. "Oh, don't make that face dear. You would've found out soon enough." I pulled my other hand out from my back and held up a lotus. Aoi's eyes widened considerably. I pulled a lighter out of my pocket and set the lotus on fire right in front of him. "Wait, you'll set the building on fire-" I dropped it to the floor and the room around us lit on fire. I walked around it to him and he tried to disappear, but I grabbed his throat. I shoved him into his office chair.

"Sit there and die. Die like my parents did,"I hissed. Aoi gave me a distressed look.

"I was going to tell you...I didn't-"I squeezed and he stopped speaking.

"What? Tell me that you're the one who sang the song that the werewolves and my mother listened to? Or tell me that I'm the reincarnated first siren, Ophelia?"I hissed. He nodded frantically. I held up a water ball. "I could drown you here and now."

"Revenge won't help..."

"No. It won't." I dropped the ball and stepped away. I put the fire up and picked up the remains of the lotus, dropping it on his desk. "Watch your back. Because if I see you ever again..." I looked at him dangerously. He flinched back into his chair. "Well, you know what will happen. I might just sing you into oblivion." I turned on my heel and teleported back to the mansion. Right in front of Laito. I looked up at him. His green eyes asked me a lot of questions. I sighed.

"Where did you go?"He asked. I stayed silent. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Karen, where did you go?" I frowned and looked down.

"Don't touch me,"I muttered. He pulled away, a hurt look crossing his face. "And it's Asahina. Not Karen." I walked away from him, my fists clenched by my side. I made my way to my room and shut my door. I have to keep him away from me, I thought. I looked down. He's a target.... A little voice in my head spoke to me. But you were hired by Aoi, so it's void and null now. I stiffened. "No!"I threw a ball of water at the wall. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

Laito's POV

We went to school the next night, and things seemed normal...except she was ignoring me. I played with her hair, and she simply shifted so her hair was away from my reach. I tried passing her notes, but she just threw them away. I tried whispering her name, but she didn't respond. Nothing seemed to work. How did it come to this? I wondered. I rested my chin on my hand and stared at the back of her head. How did it go from her liking rejecting me and ignoring me? Everything's gone to hell. During our free period, she went to the library and I watched as Kou Mukami stood up and followed her. I frowned hard and quietly trailed after them. I stopped outside the library and leaned up against the wall, listening to their conversation.

Karen's POV

Kou Mukami went to the library with me, and when I sat down to ignore him, he started engaging in conversation.

"So. In love with the one you were supposed to kill,"Kou began. I glared at him.

"I'm not in love with anyone. I don't know where you got that idea,"I muttered. He chuckled.

"Why it's not only written on your face, but in your heart,"He replied. One of his eyes flashed red at me. I frowned. "Ah, heartbreak. You're forcing yourself to not love him because of your fear for what you could do to him."

"What do you want, Kou Mukami?"I spat. He chuckled again, condescending. He sat down across from me at the table and kicked his feet up on the table.

Burning Lotus(LaitoxOC){DiabolikLoversSeriesBookTwo}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz