Oh, Mina saw where this was going. She ran her fingers up his arm slowly, finally resting on the exposed skin of his neck. She smiled sweetly at him, for their audience’s benefit, but sent him a very different message with her eyes.


If the taunting look in his gaze was evidence enough, Teague had no intention of obeying her whatsoever. He smiled ‘affectionately’ and moved swiftly to close the distance between the two of them.

UH-UH. No.

In one, quick motion, Mina moved her fingers to the back of his neck, into his dark locks, and with a sharp tug, ripped out a nice little finger-ful of hair.

She almost giggled at the way his electric eyes bulged as he sharply bit his lip in an urge not to squeal.

Heh, heh. Revenge is sweet.

Mina easily let go of his hair and gently patted his cheek, giving him an innocent little smile. He quickly pulled back up, looking like he was struggling not to yelp for a moment or so. Hm, maybe she pulled out more hair than she originally thought. Or maybe the Dark Prince just had a very sensitive scalp. Heh.

“Remember what I said about PDA, tiger.” Mina sighed softly, looking like she was simply giving ‘Tyler’ a gentle scolding. Nan and Brody had clearly missed the hair-ripping part.

Teague sighed, pretending to be resigned to not getting his kisses, though Mina could tell he was both aggravated and impressed with her painful little diversion in his carefully constructed, romantic show, or whatever that was. “Of course, angel.” He replied softly, “Good things are worth waiting for. Especially when we’re alone.” Teague finished, with purposefully added suggestiveness.

His eyes were full of challenge now. Ah, so that’s how he wanted to play it. Let the games begin then.

Mina let out a demure little chuckle, ‘playfully’ jabbing his collarbone with her finger. “Well, only if you’re good.” She retorted lightly, only letting him see the sparkle determination in her own expression.

He looked at her intensely for a moment, before smiling a tad. “Then I guess I’ll have to be on my very best behavior, love.”

She smirked up at him. “You’d better.”

Before he could respond to that, a loud clapping and giggle interrupted them. Once again, Nan and Brody had been conveniently forgotten. Their expressions, however, were totally priceless- if a bit baffling.

Nan had her hands clasped together, held near her cheek, like she was going to swoon from excitement or delight. Her pearly white grin stretched almost all the way across her face, and her bright eyes were shining with happiness. Brody, on the other hand, had the most ridiculously amusing expression of disgust on his face Mina had ever witnessed.  He looked like he just smelled something really terrible and had witnessed a gruesome axe murder all at once. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest. It was pretty easy to determine who the giggle had come from after that observation.

Nan threw her hands in the air and squealed. “OH-EM-GEE! You two are the cutest thing EVER!”

Mina’s eyebrows shot up as she struggled not to fall over when Nan launched herself at her.

“This is SO EXCITING!” Nan continued ecstatically, sounding over the moon with happiness. “I cannot believe you kept this a secret, Mina! I mean, come on. What were you going to do, hide him from me forever? Some friend you are!” She continued giggling, holding Mina’s arms as she jumped up and down.

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