Chapter 5 - Undead And Ready For Action

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           “I don’t need the hospital, I just need to sleep. I’m tired and I need to figure out what happened.”

           “Well the police are going to be questioning you on what exactly happened, and-”

           “That’s why I need rest, mom! I need to see if I can remember anything that happened. My brain is confused, you aren’t helping, and I just want to get some sleep!” I pulled away and headed up the stairs. I didn’t plan on sleeping at all.

           I locked my door and got out notebook and pen. I wrote down what I did remember. I forced my eyes shut and thought. I drank wine. I was with Derek. There was…a party. My eyes flashed open and I wrote it all down.

           Drank wine

           With Derek

           At a party

           So I drank wine with Derek at a party? No, I was drunk. It would take a lot of wine to get drunk. Plus, I don’t think it was a sophisticated dinner party. Was there beer? Think, Adrianna, think! Beer, was there beer? Yes. How much beer? Think, Adrianna. There were…ping pong balls? What the hell was I thinking? Why would there be ping pong balls at a…wait!

           Beer Pong.

           They were playing beer pong. That’s why I got so drunk.  So, let me put this all together: I was at a party with Derek and there was beer and wine. Everyone was playing beer pong, and I got wasted-apparently.

           Then what?

           Knock. Damn it, I lost my train of thought when my mom knocked on my door. Why couldn’t she leave me alone?

           “What,” I hollered at the door. She tried to open it, but was stuck because of the lock. I got up and unlocked it.

           “Honey, do you want something to eat?”

           “No, mom,” I was hungry, but I didn’t want to eat. “Can I just have something to drink?”

           “I’ll bring up a sandwich too, just in case you want it.”

           Okay, back to thinking. What else was there? I don’t know. I closed my eyes and scrunched up my eyebrows to see if I could remember anything else from last night. Darkness was all I saw. Light flashed in front of my eyes and I remembered Derek and I…kissing? Not likely. Let’s just go with it Dri, I thought to myself. I wrote it down.

           Knock. “Honey, I have your food and drink.” She laid it next to me. She started to leave, but stopped in her tracks. “Before I forget, I need to know how much longer you are going to be out of school so I can keep getting your work dropped off at the house.”

           She was really thinking about school after I didn’t come home for one night. I needed rest, not school. Or homework. I didn’t even want to go back to school after what happened. Homeschooling, now that sounded nice. I’d practically been traumatized and she was worrying about my school work? I would make it up over the weekend, I had plenty of time.

           “Mom, I missed one day. How bad could that be? I mean, I think I only had one test and maybe three homework assignments at most. And I-” She cut me off.

           “Honey, how long do you think you’ve been gone?”

           “Umm, a day,” I was sure of it.

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