1 ~ Alola Ahoy!

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"Can all passengers please make their way to the bag collection unit! We have now arrived in Alola!" a booming voice of the pilot announced. Loud cheers and whoops echoed all across the plane, and excited people rushed through the terminal.

"Alright! A new start for da Team! Now dat's what I'm talkin' about!" Meowth cried, fist-pumping the air with determination.

"Soon, the boss will be overwhelmed with excitement at our new Alolan Pokémon!" James beamed, stepping out into the gorgeous sun of the Alolan region.

"And we'll sky rocket up to the tippy-top of the Team Rocket ladder!" Jessie exclaimed.

"And we'll all be stinking rich!" they cried in unison.

The Team Rocket trio rushed through the terminal and grabbed their bags off the convey-belt before making their way out of the airport and back into the Alolan sun.

"The first thing we need to do is find ourselves a place to stay," James said to the rest of his team-mates.

James had a good feeling about this region. With all the new and exciting Pokémon, their boss would be pleased for sure! It had taken a lot of scrounging to gather the money for three plane tickets, but finally, James precious bottle-cap collection had paid off! Though it had been painfully hard to sell his precious collection to some stranger, the stranger had paid rather handsomely, and so their fresh start could begin!

'No more twerps! No more dishonest work! No more evil-doing!...At least not for now! All we need to do is catch some of the wild Pokémon for our boss, and things will work out just fine for Jessie, Meowth and me!' James thought to himself with a grin. It was true; James had started to resent the reckless lifestyle of being a Team Rocket. The thieving and robbing was just a little much for James to bear any longer. No matter how horrible his bringing up had been, James had been told that stealing was wrong, and he had sure agreed. His poor Nana and Pop-Pop would be so disappointed in him if he new he was a law-breaking criminal gang-member! But the warm, gleaming sun of Alola and all of it's amazing new Pokémon offered a promising new start for the team! Maybe, just maybe, one free from crime. At least for a while.

James, Jessie and Meowth headed down the busy street, admiring the many market stalls along the way to the hotel at the end of the road. The bright, bubbling atmosphere filled the three of them with glee. Multi-coloured berries and loud, Alolan music stood out as they walked down the cobble stone path, spreading smiles on their excited faces.

"Hello, we'd like a room with two beds please," James said the woman at the registration desk, handing over what little money they had left.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but that amount of money would only cover a room with one bed!" The woman replied pitifully.

"O-oh...I see," James replied, flushing furiously at the thought of sharing a bed with Jessie.

"Just take it!" Jessie shrieked, "I'm tired and hungry!"

"We'll take it," James replied, smiling gratefully at the woman.

"Here's your key. Enjoy your stay!" the lady handed James a bronze-coloured key with the number '682' engraved in its side. Presumably their room number.

"We will! Thank you!" the three called, walking towards the foyer.

"Up the stairs we go," James announced, holding the door for Jessie and Meowth.

"Come on, Jessie! Meowth here is pooped!" Meowth complained, tapping his foot impatiently.

"Shut it, you mangy feline! I'm walking as fast as I can!" Jessie snapped.

James sighed and picked Meowth up, tired of the complaining.

"There," James muttered, "Now you'll be fine!"

"Ah, thanks, Jimmy! Ya're a real pal!" Meowth sighed happily, relaxing in James' arms.

Jessie grabbed the key from James' pocket and opened the door to their hotel room. It seemed nice enough; the carpet was a lush grass-green colour, and the walls were a beautiful ocean blue. The curtains were pulled shut, their white draping sides brushing against the floor. There was a small leather arm-chair in one corner, and another in the other corner. In the middle of the two arm chairs was a small TV, and of course there was a dresser near the bed. The bed... There was one bed in the centre of the room's back wall, draped in canary-yellow sheets and with a comfy looking white pillow on top of it. There was another door, leading into what the three presumed to be the bathroom.

"This place is perfect!" Jessie cried happily. She rushed over the bed and collapsed, exhausted, on to its comforting canary sheets, "Mmmm! They smell of beautiful fragrant flowers!"

"I can sleep on one of deese here arm-chairs! Dat's puurfect!" Meowth said, leaping on to the left side one as he spoke.

"Then I suppose I'll be sleeping on the other," James said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yes, you will be!" Jessie laughed, "Because this bed is mine!"

'I suppose I won't be sharing a bed with Jessie after all,' James thought to himself, a wave of relief washing over him. Though he was relived, James was also a little bit disappointed.

The thought of sharing a bed with his partner in crime made him flush practically the colour of her very hair, but at the same time, it filled him with a strange curiosity...And joy. James had to admit, he certainly wouldn't pass up the opportunity to if it ever did arise. James had always admired Jessie; her fiery-flare; her sparking determination; her flaming temper...But there was a sweet side to Jessie to, and over the years that James had spent working with her, he had noticed it more and more. Being best friends with her should have been an honor enough for James, but his heart seemed to have brighter ambitions. But that would never happen! He was mad to think that Jessie would ever feel the same way towards him, and he could never dare tell her. Not unless he had a death wish, that was.

No. They were best friends. Nothing more, and never less.

And the journey continues... 

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