Chapter 13: Exceptional News

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"Good morning faculty staff, and students. These are your morning announcements. Applications to join drama club are due this Friday. There is a student council meeting today afterschool. All members are asked to attend. Remember, October 25th is our annual Fall Fest Dance. Everyone is invited from freshmen to seniors. Tickets are priced at twelve dollars a piece. Attire is formal. We hope to see everyone there. Today a guest speaker will be talking to freshman and sophomores during sixth and seventh period. Tomorrow he will speak with juniors and seniors. That is all for today's announcements." said the voice of the girl who always did the announcements.

We were having an assembly today? That just meant we had a free pass out of our sixth and seventh period.

"Alright class. Settle down. It's time to begin the lesson." Ms. Ackry said interrupting my thoughts.

She began talking about all the stuff she had written on the board. I mean it must have taken her a whole hour to write all of that on the board. The period dragged by. Every minute felt like five.

As Ms. Ackry was passing out our homework. The bell rang.

I was just about to walk out the door when she said, "I saw your painting, Callie. I thought it was beautiful."

"Thank you." I managed to say and hurried out of the classroom and into the crowded hallways. I made it into my art class just before the bell rang.

When I came in everyone was staring at me, even Mrs. Reed. Why were they staring? I wasn't late today. When I took my seat, Mrs. Reed began talking.

"I'm sure all of you have noticed Callie's painting in the display case. Yesterday when you all left out the room, I noticed what she had made and it was breath taking. Don't you all agree?"

Everyone started clapping and congratulating me. It felt kind of awkward but good at the same time. I think everyone was overreacting just a tiny bit from my art. I mean I know I have talent, but was I really that good?

The class settled down and Mrs. Reed told us our assignment. Today in art we were going to work on drawing one point perspectives. We took out our sketchbooks and got to work.

Third period went by slower than the rest of my classes, but it always does. I guess its because all we ever do in that class in book work. Everyday I walk in the class and posted on the board is some chapter we need to read in the textbook and the questions we have to answer about it. We do our work while Mr. Hughes lounges at his desk napping. At least it gives Riley and I the chance to pass notes without him noticing.

When it was time for the assembly, all the freshmen and sophomores filled the auditorium. I took a seat right in between Tony and Riley. Once everyone was seated, Principal Miller walked on stage.

"Good afternoon students. I'm sure all of you are excited to hear what our guest speaker has to say today. Please welcome Fred Stokes."

Principal Miller then walked off stage and a man who was quite lanky walked on stage. I always thought these assemblies were kind of pointless no one listened to what the person was saying anyway.

And so for the next hour and a half we had to listen to Mr. Fred Stokes talk about how we were in highschool now and our main focus shuld be the future. How we need to start planning for college and getting our grades together ... blah blah blah.

I didn't pay attention to any of the words he said. Instead I was intrigued by the fact he was bald but had a mustache. Like that was kind of weird that he decides to have no hair on his head but simply a mustache. It makes him look kind of creepy in fact. Wait, where did our school even find this dude at? Where do they find any of these guest speakers?

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