Chapter 5

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The moment the words left my tongue, I regretted them. I would give anything to erase the downcast look that surfaced on Daniel's face. "I didn't mean that," I tried to take back my harsh evaluation of his job skills. "You've done a wonderful job of taking care of me so far."

Daniel nodded in acknowledgment of my words, but he didn't look up at me. Desperate to lighten the mood, I asked, "Am I allowed to say 'crappy' in front of you?"

My guess that this question would raise his spirits was correct. He grinned up at me before answering, "I don't give a damn if you say the word crappy."

"I've never met a cursing angel before," I teased him.

"Oh, you've met lots of non-cursing angels, have you?" He gave it right back to me.

"Well, no," I admitted, before adding huskily, "You're my first."

His mouth fell open at this, and I suddenly realized that I might somehow truly be appealing to this god-like creature. The idea was thrilling, frightening, and utterly intoxicating.

"I'm more worried about being your last," he flirted with me, and we both knew we were no longer simply talking about cussing angels.

My eyelashes fluttered as I struggled to comprehend the barely hidden meaning of his words.

"See, that right there is one of the things that is so magnetic about you. You truly have no idea how attractive and lovable you are."

I could feel my cheeks flushing pink at his praise, but I didn't want him to stop. Not ever. Even though I knew it was outside the realm of realistic possibility that this spiritual being was enamored by me, I longed with all of my heart to believe it was true.

Shaking my head, I felt like I needed to brush aside his kind words. "There's nothing special about me," I mumbled, looking down. As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized that it sounded like I was fishing for compliments. I didn't want to do that, but I honestly couldn't see how Daniel could possibly think I was special. He was obviously the extraordinary one.

"I realize that you just now learned about my existence," Daniel told me, "But I have been watching you, caring about you, and growing to love everything about you for your entire life."

I sucked in a breath, trying to absorb his glorious words.

"Wait, that came out wrong," Daniel clarified. "I loved you as a protective older brother would while you were growing up. It has only been since you have become an adult that my feelings for you have morphed into something more... something romantic."

Was he actually nervous? He was looking down and speaking quietly as if he feared I might reject him.

"I know that I am a stranger to you, but I think once you get to know me, you'll find that I'm actually quite lovable." He looked up then and gave me an absolutely irresistible grin.

Unable to keep from smiling back at him, I said, "Well, it's time I got to know 'lovable' you then. Tell me about yourself."

"Why do I suddenly feel like I'm at a job interview?" He asked.

"Think of it more as a potential relationship interview." I winked at him. Yes, that's right, I winked at him––as if I had any right to be flirting with this celestial being.

The wink seemed to work, because he looked at me like I was the most amusing thing he had ever encountered. His eyes were alight with intrigue as if he were actually enjoying this silly banter almost as much as I was.

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