Chapter 1

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Gerard's P.O.V

It was exactly 12:30.

fifteen more minutes until this hellhole called school was over. Tick.
The thoughts crumbled in my mind.
tick. how much longer can I live like this. tick. everyday, the days growing darker and my thoughts being more consistent. the minutes of this final class felt like years in a prison cell. the white walls made me feel insane. the kids made me frustrated. I brushed my red hair out of my face. damned thing needs to get cut I mumbled to myself, sighing. I fumbled in the uncomfortable blue chair that the school provided. it made my ass hurt. I was growing timid. the ticking of the clock made my head hurt. finally, the bell rang. making my ears ring and my head hurt even more. I walked down the halls alone. Once again. I heard some voices coming from down the hall. must have been some ignorant students ranting about how they "hate" me. I kept walking, increasing my pase. the voices got louder and closer by the second. my heart began to race. increasing my speed wouldn't work. I had to face the fucking facts. they would pummel me no matter the speed. "hey emo. red hair. a little attention seeking isn't it?" I turned around. It was Jason and his peers. my breathing became uneven. "I just like this color. that's all" I said in a unsure way. why would they want to know why I had red hair? I thought. "whatever. did you dye it in your period blood, Way?" he said whilst pushing me up against the wall. his peers laughed when they heard the thud of my body bash against the wall. the force of the push made me out of breath. "you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into Way." But I didn't do anything. why the fuck are they picking on me. I closed my eyes. Breathing in and out, i tried to squirm from his grip. No use. I really fucked myself this time. Jason threw me to the ground. Punching my body, anything he could reach. "I think I made you a little less ugly, Way". I heard their footsteps becoming fainter. I was laying in my own pool of blood. "Fuck them", That's all I could mumble. Everything hurt. I got up and stumbled into the bathroom. I inspected my face and body in the mirror. My nose was bloody and there was a cut on the top of my eyebrow. my damn eye will be swollen now. I checked my chest. Black and green bruises everywhere. I touched one of the bruises. Almost instantly I knew that I couldn't put pressure on it. I winced in pain as I touched my ribs. For the love of God, please. Tell me there aren't any broken ribs. I felt my rib cage. I gave a sigh of relief. No broken ribs. I stumbled my way out of the bathroom. I checked to see if Jason and his crew were in my sight. Upon seeing they weren't, I limped my way into my car. I sighed. Just sitting in my passenger seat made my body hurt. I fumbled with my keys. I decided to go by the liquor store. I needed some cigarettes anyways. I turned the engine on. I drove to the nearest liquor store. I limped into the store. I looked around for a cheap pack. "A pack of the camels please." The clerk looked at me. She investigated my body and face. "Sure thing sweetie" I looked at her. Lady must be in her late 50's. Poor lady. Having to work at this shit place just to make a minimum wage. She handed me the pack. "That'll be $4.50 please." I gave her the money and gave her a sympathetic yet thoughtful glare. In return she gave me a weak smile. I limped back to my car. I sat, once again, into my uncomfortable seat. I opened the pack. The pack filled my nose with its pungent scent. I better save this until I get home. It's better to savor the taste of death upon your lips. I drove home. I saw the city lights flash by me. They hurt my eyes. I finally got home. I leaned over the hood of my car. I don't want to be here. I sighed and made my way into the old house. I tried to make my presence almost invisible. I limped quietly passed the living room. Now you see, when you have fucking flaming red hair people will see you from a mile away. "GEE YOU'RE HOMEEEEE" I heard my kid like brother Mikey squeal from the other room. He ran up to me but stopped almost immediately when he saw my face. "Gee are you okay? What happened?" He said rubbing my arm. "Yeah i'm okay Mikey." I gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm going to go to my room okay. Don't tell mom i'm here. I don't want to deal with her today. I don't want her to hurt you or me today. Can you do that for me Mikes?" I said holding his shoulders. "Okay Gee-Bear. Goodnight" He smiled and walked back into the other room. I made my way into my room. I closed and locked my door, now no one can bother me. I looked around my room to make sure nothing was changed or moved. The clutter on my bed and desk was still the same. I sighed and looked out my window. I opened the pack of cigarettes and picked one out. I lit it and inhaled death itself. The taste was horrible but I needed it. I walked to my desk and looked at the clutter upon the desk. Just shitty drawings. I just had enough today. The every day struggle of this God awful standstill place we called life. I needed someone or something to save me. I threw my cigarette out the window and laid in bed. I guess it wouldn't hurt to sleep. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into a deep sleep

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