"What are you doing?"
"Uh.. nothing?"
"Joel. What. Are. You. Doing?"
    There's a red light that flashes and then a loud voice. "My husband has stolen the Lord's baby. Joel, give him back."
     The kids eating lunch with me go into laughter.
"Teleport to me. I need you for something."
    Valerie teleports to me. The sirens go off again.
"Babe. I get it. Jason is adorable. But give him back."
"What the hell is going on?"
"I stole him cause Luke never lets me hold him."
    Luke's voice goes over the speaker again. "Return the child of which you have stolen."
    I raise my eyebrow. Movie quote.
"He's so old." Joel laughs.
     I kiss Jason's forehead. "Just return him by end lunch hour, Joel."
"I want him. He's so adorable."
"You can hold him. But not have him. I can't allow that. I worked too hard."
"I know, Valerie. I'm kidding. What are you doing here anyway?"
"Ninfa said she needed me. Obviously she just wanted me to see my idiotic brother be an idiot over our son."
"Hey. Luke never lets me hold him. I just want to hold him." Joel says.
"He's literally been in the school for a day. Not even." Valerie rolls her eyes.
"And I had to beg for him to come to school to begin with."
"You give me about 8 months. You and Uncle Luke won't have to share."
"Wait. What?" Joel looks over to Dakota.
"Yeah. Um. Pregnant. Twins. Her fault." She points to Charley.
"Hey. No. Hey. Not my fault. Not all of it anyway."
     I can't stop myself from cringing. Along with Valerie and Joel all in cringe. I just can't think of anyone else being sexual, it's weird.
"Twins? Are you sure?"
     She waves her hand and uses her magic. A small twinkle in her eye as she does so. And Joel gasps.
"Oh. My. Yes. I'm so happy for you, Dakota."
"It took me a day or two to feel it. But I'm happy now too. I guess I was just scared of how she would react.." Dakota says and squeezes Charley's hand.
    Joel sighs as the bell rings. He disappears with our son. My love takes her leave back home. Hopefully she will rest. If Emma allows.
    Class resumes. The red lights go down when Jason is returned. Luke and Joel, the idiots I can't live without.
"So. Emma went to the bathroom fully by herself."
"Really? You didn't need to help?"
"Nope. Think best we get out of pull ups during day unless she's napping."
"Yeah, yeah. Of course. She's learned faster than our others."
"Sort of but not really. They all were pretty well done with this before 4. And well, she's turning in a week. So."
    I guess time either flies or doesn't. My daughter is having twins in 8 months. We just had our son. Emma is turning 4. And Finnley is getting married. Life is fucking crazy.
    The classes end. I snatch Jason before Joel or Luke get the chance.
"Sorry, guys. Jason's gotta come home with me."
"Babe. I want another baby." Joel blurts out.
     I laugh to Luke turning all shades of red possible. Heat of the moment thing. It's cute.
"Anyway. See you guys Monday."
"Will he be coming?"
"Jason and Emma, yeah. Valerie is going back to work with Finnley."
"Emma too? Jackpot. I love these kids." Luke lightly boops Jason's nose.
"See you guys later."
    I blink home. Dinner smells heavenly.
"Hey, babe."
    She leans down and kisses my cheek. "I made dinner. But you set the table."
"Oh. A catch."
"Sort of. I was just going to change Jason and stuff. But.. I mean.."
"Noo. No. Here." I hand over Jason.
    She hurries off to take care of him. I set up the table before she makes her way back... with Emma hanging on her leg like a ball and chain.
"Hey Em."
    She continues clings on me. I peel her off and sit her in her chair.
"Ready for dinner? Mom made it."
    Just as I'm about to sit, everyone else pops in. But Dakota doesn't sit.
"So. I just wanted to get everyone on the right page of what mess I call life." She takes a deep breath. "I'm pregnant. With twins."
    I honestly can't stop myself from smiling.
"Baaaabe. I want kids."
"Can we have a wedding first, Finn?"
"Yeah, of course. But affteerr. I want kids."
"A part of me is screaming no. I don't want to be a grandmother to that extent. If Finnley used insinuation on a girl, we would all be fucked over."
    I cover my face in laughter.
"Blow our cover."
    Though in laughter, I push Valerie out of her chair. She curls up in a ball, holding her privates.
"Thanks... babe... Love.. you.. too."
    The only thing I can move is my leg. My body still in laughter, the pain it causes. But I take away her manhood pains.
"You know. I just realized. There are 5 girls. And 3 boys. Right? But yet only 2 girls are actually girls." Finnley says.
"Hey. Hey. I was born woman." Valerie says as she climbs back to the table.
"Pft. I was born with my manhood. I wouldn't chose between each though. I think I'd miss it being there."
"What makes you think I'm a full girl, Finn?" Dakota questions.
     He chokes. "Well." He shakes his head violently. "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW."
     I laugh at Finnley. Along with everyone else.
"If it makes it clearer for you, I am a girl. Just going to be extremely fat soon."
"I'm excited for you, Dakota. I am. And I love you, sis. I do. But this is going to be hell for me. I mean seriously? You pick on me enough as is."
"But you know I'm kidding."
"Yeah. Still. It's annoying."
"SILENCE." Emma yells. "EAT."
"Did we just get silenced by Em? She think she's like God now or something?"
"Oh. Are you jealous? Someone stealing your crown?"
"No. I thought it was adorable. No one could fill my shoes, babe."
"No. No they couldn't. Not to me."
"Also super gross that you healed me with your toe. I love you. Every bit of you. But the feet. You're just weird."
"Yeah? Well you're just going to have to deal with it."
"As long as it means being with you forever, I will. I swear, I will."
    We all eat in a sort of silence. It goes along with light talking but no one dares disturb Emma's command. Dinner is followed by our usual thing. Spongebob, video games and cuddling.
    A lot of cuddling. Forever. It's forever.

Forbidden: AfterglowWhere stories live. Discover now