Episode 9: Guard

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While, Shino was behind scolded by Satomi. Sakura was sleeping on one of the couches. And half paying attention to what Rio was saying. "I've Stashed Village has been hit with an unprecedented amount of heavy rain the other day. According to the report, they were able to save the rainwater. However, there were flooding issues main level and basement flooding of homes and other water damage. Other homes, farmers field and community roads were submerged completely." Satomi then put the paper down and looked at Shino. "Well, playing the god of misfortune are you? And you, weren't you supposed to look after so he doesn't do anything reckless?"

Sakura surrendered her arms and said. "Hey, not my fault! He dragged me with him."

Shino then argued with Satomi. "Those demons did it."

Rio then said. "Fine. Did you find what you were searching for?"

Shino just said. "Not even a clue."

Suddenly, Yatsufusa took Shino by the collar and lift him. "Would be an exaggeration. But I didn't get there in time. So nothing made anything made any sense for me or Sakura at all."

"Yatsufusa. Put him down."


Both Shino and Sakura were forced to drop some books at Hamaji School. " 'kay. She wants us to drop this at her dorm."

Sosuke then said. "We're not gonna be able to see her for a while. When she starts dorm and school life. She isn't allow to leave the campus."

Sakura just said. "Great. There's no way, I'm going to that school in the future. But seriously, we don't mind dropping of those books. But it's pitched black outside."

Sosuke just said. "Mr. Satomi must have really let you two have it this time."

Shino opened the package with the first book. "I wonder if she wants to read them right away. I mean this is why she special order them right. 'How to differentiate poisonous mushrooms.'"

Surprised, Sakura opened also her package and read. "'Learn to use herbs' and..."

Both Shino and Sakura read the cover from the last book at the same time. "'How to poison'"

Shino then said. "Y... Yeah... we're going go right now."

Sakura then said. "Definitely. We don't want anybody seeing this."

Sosuke agreed with them. "That's a great idea."


Sosuke was on dog form and he accompanied both Shino and Sakura who were in their church vest. Shino then said. "This is the place. It's huge."

Sosuke said. "I'll wait out here. Both of you be careful. And make sure you don't let anyone see you."

Sakura and Shino began to run and jumped on the barrier and said. " 'kay!"

Sakura and Shino were surprised by the side of the school. It was freaking big. Sakura then said. "It's pretty creepy at night."

Shino answered as the both jumped down the barrier. "Tell me about."

Then they began to run threw the outside of the school to try and find Hamaji. Not knowing how to find Hamaji. Shino sent Murasame to search for Hamaji. So they decided to wait in the backyard. "It's awfully quite."


"Shino? Sakura?"

Both of them turned around and saw Hamaji running their way. Shino than said. "What are you doing running around in a nightgown?"

Hamaji then said. "You took forever to get here Shino and Sakura."

Sakura then handed her the books. "Here, you go, your death books."

Hamaji then said. "Do you have any idea what time it is? Sakura, at this time, you should be sleeping."

Shino then said. "It's not our fault. Rio wouldn't shut up."

Sakura then said. "It's not like I have to sleep at the same time at night. I can easily sleep during the day."

Hamaji then said. "You two are to blame and you know it. And you will be sleeping like always and on anybody's lap."

Then Hamaji asked. "Where Sosuke?"

Shino said. "Waiting outside." Sakura than fellow by saying. "He refused to come in because it's off limits to pets. Talk about straight lace."

Hamaji said. "And what does that make you? Waltzing at this hour, when you two know the rules? Right I still wouldn't have you two any other way. Be sure to come when I call just like you did today."

Sakura and Shino just said. "Yeah. Whatever."

Then Hamaji looked at them. "Problem?"

The siblings said. "No. Not at all."

Hamaji than smiled again. "Be careful on your way out alright." With that, Hamaji left. "And try not to cause to much trouble for Satomi, okay?"

"Get off it. Geez."

After that both Shino and Sakura began to run towards the entrance. Sakura than asked. "You think she'd be alright in this school."

Before Shino had time to answer his sister. They both heard a person singing and a bell ringing but they didn't let that stop them. Then the atmosphere felt different. They both looked back. "Ahhhhh"


It was morning. Both Shino and Sakura were on a cloud. Not hearing what everybody else was saying. When Sakura woke up, she drank her tea and she was between Sosuke and her brother who was also drinking his tea. She just put her head on Sosuke arm and fell asleep immediately. Not bothering to hear what the others were saying. She was sleeping all day. When Keno proposed to Shino to go to the school to check out the ghost doll at the school. Kokonoe was responsable to take care of Sakura while she was sleeping. Sakura sleeps in the arms of Kokonoe. Like a child sleeping in the arms of her mother.

When they came back. Sakura was glad to know that Hamaji was in good hands at that school and she didn't have to worry. But unlike Shino, Sakura was able to know that the doll was a protector at the school. So she could sleep in peace in her mind.

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