Episode 7: A Promise

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Both Shino and Sakura were walking towards the room where Sosuke was. Shino kept complaining about everything. While Sakura was walking behind him with the book still in hands. Than both when to the door, Sakura closed the book and she and Shino were prepared to enter the room. When they saw the most horrible scene. Sosuke being stab by someone. But not just anyone. It was the guy from earlier.

Both Shino and Sakura weren't frozen at they saw. "Sosuke." Both of them cried. "Shino! Sakura! Stay back! I mean it!"

Then the man said. "Huh! Are those the little gods that you have fate in? I was right they're not much to you at all." Then the man got his sword out of Sosuke's shoulder and it hurts like hell. Both Shino and Sakura were still frozen in place. Then the man was ready to strike again. "So!" Both kids ran towards Sosuke put themselves between Sosuke and the mysterious man. They both were hugging Sosuke. "Shino! Sakura! I both told you to stay back."

Then Shino asked. "Why? What's going on?"

"Why?" The mysterious man asked. "I'm also here wondering why? My family, why are they dead?" The three of them looked at the man surprised. Not really knowing what he means. Sakura then asked. "They were killed?"

Then the man got a bit on his nerves. "Your friend killed them. Just two years ago."

Sosuke then said politely. "You're mistaken, sir."

The man than raised his sword and said. "Your ignorance is false, sir. Or, maybe you killed to many to remember."

Than, Shino took out Murasame to intercepted the man's sword. "Who the hell do you have confused with?" But the man stopped his movements to realized that the boy standing in front of him had a sword out.

"Oh! I'm confused. Huh." He said muckily. "I will never forget his voice. Or his face. Not to mention that smell. Neither one of you smell like a man or a girl to me." Sosuke's, Shino's and Sakura's eyes squirm. With that, Sakura stood up and her aura started to change and some fluorescent vines started to show on her face and arms. (Remember she was still wearing her flower dress) "You're right sir. But I could say the same for you."

The man's eyes started to squirm to. "You two are just like him aren't you." He said will charging at Shino. "Where did you obtained that? And you," He said, while looking at Sakura. "Why do you smell like a fox?" That only a bit angered Sakura has she threw an energy ball at the man. Which he only deflected. Then he strike again. And he deflected another mouvement of sword from Shino and another ball of energy from Sakura. Shino then jumped at him. And the man threw him and his sword at the complete right of where he was standing. Sakura than ran to her brother. "You okay?"

"This force is over. Now," He pointed his sword at Sakura and Shino. "Show me what you really are or the two brats..." He turned to face Sosuke who turned into a dog. "Dog..."

Sosuke than walked towards Shino and Sakura. Only for them to take it in their hands like to protect him. "A dog... No way... Bullshit..."

Than the voice of a woman came in play. "Asakeno, you're done for now." She stood at the end of the church arms crossed. "This man is obviously not who you think he is."

This Asakeno guy said. "He has to be."

The woman the said. "You have an unfortunate tendency to jump to conclusions. At the very least, I suspect the man you're hunting would not scratch flees in his other guys."

Sosuke than said. "Well... that must be the most diplomatic insult I've ever heard."

Sakura than said to dog-Sosuke. "Not now dog."

The Asakeno dude, then put his sword in his stove. The woman then asked Murasame and Akiko who was in her aura form on top of Sakura. 'Murasame. Akiko. Who are those children?' They talked and the woman said. "My child has inconvenienced you. I'm sorry for this. To prove it, I will perform any penance you will ask of me."

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