Episode 4: Homecoming

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Sakura caught the demon with her powers and she was suddenly brought back up. A fur ball. It's the eyeball. Realizing that, Sakura was relieved and quêtions were hunting her mind. "Shino?" She then saw her brother and Sosuke. 

Shino hugged his sister and put a kiss on her head. "Hai, you okay?" Sakura knob of the head and saw Sosuke. "You okay Sosuke?" He answered "Yeah. They didn't hurt anything that won't heal." Then Shino turned around and saw a man. "Who's that?" Sakura answered. "That's our demon." Than Shino said. "Really, that him?"


Sosuke was laying on the bed with bandages, in dog form. Sakura had bandage covering her arm. It still sting but other than that she could heal easily. Both, Shino and Sakura were on the ground and both covered with one blanket. Sakura was between Shino legs and she put her head on his chest. While Shino had his arms around her and held her strongly. Both of them were in there own thoughts. Thinking of the massacre of five years ago.

Then Sosuke finally woken up. "You two are going to catch cold sleeping down there."

Seeing that there friend woken up. Both siblings jumped on him. Which caused Sosuke injuries to hurt more. "That hurts! Bandages! Remember."

Than an aura appeared. It was Yatsufusa. The door of the room opened. "HEY! Shino! Ai! Ahhhh!!!!!"


"It's bad enough you two have a hairy eyeball chasing you all over. Now, a giant spirit dog. That's some company. Hey don't let that stop breakfast."

"Thanks for the meal." Shino said all happy. While, Sakura was still tired. She never had good night sleep. But she never refused food for free. Shino and Sakura were eating like they haven't eaten for months.

"Thank you very much." Sosuke said for both Shino and Ai. Kobungo was looking at them a bit uncomfortable. "Yeah. You know. If you told me that actually Sosuke. I don't think it would surprise me. Yeah."

Polite as he will always be. "Thank you for taking care of us." Than Sakura asked "How's that demon doing?"

Then, Kobungo looked down. "He's still asleep. He really put you two out. Didn't he? I'll see to it that he apologized." Than the door opened and a fairly tall man in a robe came in. He had the peony birthmark on his right cheek. "And speaking of the devil. Here, he is."

Then green hair man looked at Sosuke, Yatsufusa, Sakura and Shino suspiciously. "Good morning." "Morning. Good morning."

"All right. I'm I still asleep here." The man respond was. Wow great way to answer to a 'Good Morning.' Sakura said to herself.

"No, you ain't dreaming bro." Kobungo said to his brother. Than, Shino saw the birthmark on Kenpachi cheek and Sakura too. The man approached them. "Hey, bro! Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

"Are you referring to those rotten Shogetsu monks?" Genpachi asked by scratching his head. Then his brother was disbelief by his brother. "Ahh man. You lost it. Yesterday, you keep about going on about stuff in your face and chased those two kids here all threw the city."

Kenpachi got his face closer to inspect the two kids. "Are you two a spirit of some sort? You've done an excellent job disguising yourself as a human."

"We're not disguising anything." Shino said stubbornly. Sakura just looked at Kenpachi with an innocent stare. The guy than asked. "Than why is this dog spirit with you?" By looking at Yatsufusa. Both of them turned and looked at Yatsufusa. "Are you two of Satomi's pet spirits?"

Sakura looked at him and said calmly. "We told you. We're just like you." Than she looked down at her lap. "We're just two normal persons." She then put her head on Shino's shoulder. The other three persons looked shocked at what she said.

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