Episode 6: Stadshed

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Sakura was sleeping like a baby. She was so tired. She wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day. Then...

"Sakura, wake up! We're going to the Stashed Mountain." Shino said by entering the room.

"Shino. I don't want to go. Let me sleep."

"Nope, we're going and you don't have a choice."

Sakura just grunt.


Sakura and Shino were on a train. Shino was dressed in his church vest. While Sakura was in the same outfit as Shino, but under she had a flower dress. Going to the village. Before going, they had a talk with Satomi before going. Shino was thinking about it while his sister, who didn't get a good night of sleep, slept in the train with her head on her brother's lap. Shino pet his sister head.


Sosuke was still at the Manor looking for both Shino and Sakura. He opened Rio's Satomi office and asked. "Mr. Satomi, do you know where Shino and Sakura run off to? It's time for lunch but I can't seem to find them anywhere in the house." Rio let out a huge sigh and answered. "I expected them to take off. But not alone."

"They left."

"Sosuke, you need to go after the two of them right away."

"What are you talking about?"


Shino and Sakura were walking in the forest. It was poring. There was no light of sun, nothing. "This mountain is seriously the only place that gets any rain." Shino sais by looking around. "Yeah, it's almost to dull. To believe that down at the village there no rain." Sakura answered to her brother.

Than the beads that were in Shino's pocket started to shine. Seeing that Sakura took her bead to. It was also shining. Both looked at each other no knowing what that means. "The gems are glowing. Both mine and Sosuke and your to Sakura." The two Inuzuka looked at there gems and inspected them. "I don't remember doing that before." Sakura put back her gem in her pocket before following Shino on there way to the mountain. Sakura was walking behind Shino.

Then suddenly both Shino and her slipped and fell down.


Both Shino and Sakura were unconscious. Falling down isn't what everybody wants. Shino was the first one to wake up. "Sakura... Murasame..." He straining it up and look around and saw his sister still unconscious a bit further to him. "The gems..." He looked and saw that he has his with him. Then, Murasame came flying to Shino and landed on his shoulder. Then he crawl to Sakura and shakes her a bit.

"Shino..." He was relieved his sister had nothing. "Do you still have your gem?" She looked in her pocket and felt her gem and said. "Yeah! Your?"

"Yeah, but I lost Sosuke's." Shino said disappointed in himself. They looked everywhere around them but didn't found it.

Than, a giant monkey suddenly appeared out of the shadows of the forest. Both kids back off a bit. Then Sakura asked. "Have you seen a gem like this one?" As she showed her gem to the monkey spirit. Than Shino explained. "It's super important. We've been holding on to it for a really good friend of our. It's bad if we lost it." Then the monkey turned back and walked the opposite direction. Until, he hold something between two fingers and let it drop in the hands of Shino. And made him fell forward. "Shino, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine Sakura. What's this a rock?" Shino said surprised by what the monkey gave them. "What are you doing it's a lot smaller than this. And..." than Shino turned all innocent. "My bad, there's no way you can find something like that puny, when you're so huge. We'll look for it ourselves."

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