Leave (Yoongi)

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"I don't give a fu*k! Stop talking to me like I'm a little child Y/N!" Yoongi yelled walking out the shared mobile home you guys had bought two years ago.

"I wouldn't have to fu*king yell and treat you like a child if you didn't act like one!" You followed him out. The neighborhood was getting its weekly dose of the Yoongi and Y/N show. Usually it wasn't bad just the slamming of the door, Yoongi throwing the plastic chairs around the small lawn and you right behind him picking up his mess. Usually you two wouldn't lay hands on each other but four out of ten times it just came naturally with the hateful and disgusting language that was thrown from both ends.

"I cant fu*king stand it here anymore. Y/N you've ruin the last three years of my life. I honestly hate you like you won't fu*king believe it." His words faded from loud and intolerable to soft and defeated. So this was it? The final fight.

"I'll leave." Your head hung low and if you spoke more the voice you had left would crack. This was it.

Yoongi and you met five years ago in an art class. Yoongi was the dark and abstract artist and every girl in the class swoon over him. You were the girl with many aesthetics, ranging from soft and light to dark and heavy, you never really paid attention to Yoongi. He wasn't your type and you weren't his but he over heard a song playing off your phone and in that moment anything that had ever been said or seen of you didn't matter to him. He saw a nerdy, shy, creative, girl who, though claimed to not like rap, appropriate the lyrical masterpiece that was Tupac.

Since than the two of you had been inseparable. Five years of dating, buying a house, and countless adventures and arguments later.
Your love story was over, though you would've loved it if it never ended, it was what the two of you needed.

That night you came home to you parents wrecked in tears, with a lump in your throat, and multiple explanations in your head about the bruise you had inquired that afternoon. They welcomed you with opened arms and a home made meal. Things didn't seem so certain then but when your mom placed the bright blue blanket on you, while you swung on the swing in the yard. You knew life has its plan for you and you prayed that, just like you, Yoongi would find his way too.

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