Chapter One

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Things were flying everywhere, kunai, shuriken, pillows, hell even pots and pans. Two opposing forces, one a raven-haired male with onyx eye's, he was the tallest of the group of three. The next, a blonde male who happened to be the smallest, he wore no facial expression. And lastly, in the middle of it all, a pink haired girl who was using a pan to block all the projectiles.

Sasuke threw a kunai with a sharp turn and Sakura's eye's widened, they went from the kunai an inch shy of her foot to the male who had thrown it. With a war-cry, she had leaped at the male and they rolled, throwing punches and kicks.

Naruto sat back behind his fort's shield, a large wooden table, he watched the fight with slightly interested eye's. Sasuke had somehow managed to drag Naruto into the fray, so now he was defending and offending.

"What is going on here?!?" A woman with large breasts and pale blonde hair bellowed, she stood with her hand's on her hips as the 5-year-old's froze. Sasuke was pinned with Sakura straddling his waist whilst Naruto was laid across his chest attempting to crawl away.

They scrambled up into a standing position, Naruto stood in the middle looking indifferent and emotionless, as always. "Sasuke-nii started it!" Sakura shouted Sasuke gasped dramatically, his hand clutching the fabric over his heart.

Naruto's eye's danced with amusement as a smile slipped onto his face, he giggled lowly which drew the attention to him. He rarely ever smiled, never has he giggled before, much less while smiling.

Now aware of the shocked looks he was getting he immediately became defensive, his smile dropped and giggling ceased. "What?" He asked a tinge of pink on his cheeks as he stared at the ground.

Sasuke was gaping like a fish, mouth opening and closing, eye's wide a saucer. Sakura was staring at him in awe, her eye's slightly dazed and her own mouth stretched into a smile. The blonde haired women were staring at the boy with pride in her eye's, he had managed to show his first positive emotion since she had taken the three in a little over half a year ago.

When they each told her their stories she agreed to be their main caretaker, her name was Amada Ūn. She was like a mother in all three of their eye's, but neither of those young children would ever forget their real mother's.

Naruto knew of his heritage and the Kyuubi he held inside of him, they were honestly best friends. Naruto hadn't shown many emotions for the sake if not allowing people to get the better of him.

Sasuke had tapped into his childish nature every once and a while and constantly pulled pranks on the shortest yet strongest of the three. He was the more troublesome of the group, course, he was strong as well but would get pummeled if he and Naruto were to spar.

Sakura was like the bossy older sister neither of the males has had, she always tried to tell them what to do and make them listen. Her pink hair had reached her mid-back by now, and she constantly demanded she is treated fairly. So, as you would have it, she was strong as well but held up more in the book smarts.

Each had practiced and mastered certain techniques. Sasuke's was Swordsmanship, Naruto's was Genjutsu, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu as well as most sealing jutsu's, Sakura's was medical ninjutsu.

They each had a mark on their left shoulder's, it was of an upside-down star with a teardrop-like pattern at the point. The marks were black and linked to each other, their power was at it's greatest when all three of the children were together but alone they were quite powerful as well.

Naruto huffed and stalked away, an angry scowl on his cute face as he went. He talked to his red and black bedroom before slamming the door and falling onto his bed.

Sakura giggled and walked to her pink and black bedroom, gently closing the door before climbing into bed. She snuggled into her black comforters and let sleep consume her.

Sasuke smirked and walked to his blue and black bedroom, shutting the door with more force then Sakura but less force then Naruto. He too, climbed into bed slipping under the black covers that made his bed.

Amada shook her head before preparing lunches and the children's backpacks for their first day at the academy. She placed the bento's in the refrigerator and set the backpacks on the counter in corresponding order.

Which child would wake up first, Naruto, which child last, Sasuke, and which child would take forever to get ready, Sakura? So they were set out like so; Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura.

Naruto's bag was a deep blood red with an orange Uzumaki clan symbol in the center. Sasuke's was a deep blue with the standard Uchiha clan symbol in the center. Sakura's was a pale pink with purple flower petals on it and a white ring in the center.

Amada sauntered off to her own room, it was all three colors(red, blue, pink) and black. She slipped under her black comforters and slowly allowed sleep to take her.

Tomorrow, the plan was to be set into motion, the three children would be in for a long ride and a tuff one at that.



Whew! That's Chapter One folks, sorta a Filler Chapter to tell ya what happened to our lovely little babies. Anyway, I should explain things, yeah?


Naruto's- Red walls with black swirls along them, black comforters on his full bed. He has a dresser pushed up under the window on his right wall. He has a desk, two bookshelves, a closet, a bathroom. and a nightstand.

Sakura's- Pink wall's with black swirls along them, black comforters on her full bed. She has a dresser by her door, and the bed placed under the window on her left wall. She has a desk, one bookshelf, a nightstand, closet, and bathroom.

Sasuke's- royal blue wall's with black swirls along them, a dresser beside his closet and the window at the foot if his full bed. He has black comforters, a nightstand, closet, bathroom, one bookshelf, and a desk.

Amada's- Sorta a combination of all their room's, laid out exactly like Naruto's the only difference is her walls are swirled with black, red, pink, and royal blue. She too, has black comforters, a desk, closet, bathroom, nightstand, and one bookshelf.

Amada Ūn- Twenty-year-old civilian female was pale blonde hair and soft violet eyes. She has a rather large bust and is well toned, that is because she trains her three orphans. She met them about six months ago and took them under her wing.

She has raised them ever since, and they honestly look up to her with pride, love, and admiration.

The scene at the beginning was supposed to be a training exercise that the oh-so-great Uchiha came up with. They were practicing how to dodge projectiles that came at an accelerated rate non-stop.

Naruto, in this story, is the smartest, strongest, and most mature of the three children. He has already surpassed ANBU rankings due to training with Kurama and Amada.

Sasuke, in this story, is slightly more like Naruto in the Anime, only he likes picking on Naruto in the story. He trains every day with Sakura and Amada while he is tested by Naruto, he is also just as smart as Sakura is.

Sakura, in this story, learned everything she knows about medical ninjutsu from reading and visiting the hospital. She has worked hard to get to where she is and is fairly proud. Of course, the boy's taught her some battle technique's to be able to defend herself.

I believe that that's all....... Oh! Wait!

They live on the outskirts of the village and are left alone mainly because their house is hidden greatly. The Hokage doesn't even know how to reach the house as it takes a certain seal release to open the gate.

That's all! Love you my Fantabulous pandas.


P.s. comment, vote, and share, art not mine.

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