Harry's Actual Love Life Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Oh, what will I do?" Harry quietly asked Hedwig. (RIP HEDWIG I LUV U) The owl simply cocked her head to the side, as though to say 'You'll figure something out.' Harry's lips curved into a small smile. 

"Where would I be without you?" Harry asked as he rolled over and drifted off to sleep. 

     The next morning Harry was unable to get even remotely near Draco. Kids were taking their luggage to the train and finishing up breakfast. It was about 15 minutes until they were to board the train and Harry finally found Draco. But he wasn't alone. Crabbe and Goyle were with him, the two of them however, were conversing between themselves as Draco stood off to the side, looking out across the lake. Harry pulled on his invisibility cloak and carefully tiptoed up to Draco. Crabbe and Goyle weren't looking when Harry grabbed him. He slapped a hand across his mouth and tucked Draco under the cloak with him and slowly lead him away. 


      "Potter I demand to know the reasoning behind this!" Draco hissed as Harry released his hand from Draco's mouth. He could still feel Draco's cool and soft lips on his palm. It tingled. They were in an empty classroom with large arched windows that had the very same view of the lake. Crabbe and Goyle could still be seen from their new vantage point.

"I just wanted to tell you something important before we left." Harry answered. Draco's angry expression left his face, left with one of cautious curiosity.

"...Really? I did to." He replied after a moment. "What did you want to tell me?" Harry drew in a breath.

"I...uhm..." He trailed off. Draco rolled his eyes. 

"Would it help if I went first?" Draco asked, annoyance lining his voice. Harry nodded. Great. Now I look like a fool. Harry thought. Draco stayed silent for a while longer.

"I wanted to apologize." he said suddenly, looking away. Harry was startled.

"Apologize?" He questioned. Draco's cheeks were dusted pink.

"I... yes. I wanted to apologize for being a git to Weasly and Granger. I-I gave all three of you the wrong impression so I wanted to s-start over." He stuttered. Harry was moved by the apology. It took a lot for Malfoy to swallow his pride and apologize like this. Draco and Harry moved closer together, almost unconsciously. Draco slowly help up his hand.

"Hi. I'm Draco Malfoy... wanna be friends?" He asked, looking up into Harry's eyes. Harry smiled and took his hand. 

"Sure. I'm Harry Potter." He replied. Draco looked slightly surprised, and for a moment, the stuck up boy was replaced by a sweet and innocent 11 year old boy. Their hands were together for a while longer. A pang of disappointment flooded through Harry as their hands left each other.

"Okay, now it's your turn." Draco said, the colder boy returning. His voice however, was not as spiteful as it used to be.

"So, I wanted to tell you about the beginning of the year when you offered your hand to me..." Harry began. Draco looked confused.

"Oh...Kay?" He said, waiting for Potter to continue. Harry swallowed. This was going to take some serious bravery.

"The real reason why I didn't take your hand was... be-because. I was...." Harry stammered. Draco leaned forward, growing more and more interested by the minute.

"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to let go." Harry blurted. He avoided Draco's gaze, feeling only slightly better after getting it off his chest.

"What?" Draco asked in surprise. "Why?" Harry was red now. There was no hiding it. He had to tell him now, before he wouldn't be able to muster up the courage.

"Because... I thought you were cool... and I really... l-like you." It was Draco's turn to blush. 

"I like you to." Was all he said. Harry leaned in and pecked him on the cheek, stunning the blonde completely.

"Sorry, you just made me really happy. The train's leaving soon, so I'll see you next fall!" Harry called as he ducked under the invisibility cloak, rushing to the rest of the student body, ecstatic.


"Wow, okay." Ginny mused. Harry chuckled sheepishly.

"Yeah... it was pretty corny and I was surprised that Malfoy even liked me after that." Harry replied. Ginny laughed.

"Yes, now you must tell me all the rest, after all, that was just first year." Ginny demanded.

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