Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Barry stepped out of the lift. Standing all around the lobby were soldiers in uniform. He spotted Joe.

"Hey," he said. "What's going on?"

"The army needed our help with some kind of case," said Joe. "Apparently, one of their men was killed last month and they've been trying to find out who killed him. Their lead has led to here."

"Allen!" called Captain Singh. "Captain Clarington is in your lab. He's got evidence for you to go over."

"I'll get right to that, sir," said Barry, going towards the stairs. He ran up to his lab and went inside. A man stood in the middle of the room, looking at the picture of his parents.

"Are you Captain Clarington?" asked Barry. "Captain Singh said you had some evidence for me to go over."

The man looked up. Barry felt a sudden burst of pain in his head. He winced.

"Sebastian?" said the man in surprise.

"Oh no," Barry moaned. "Excuse me."

He put his bag down and pulled out the bottle of pills. He downed two then sat down and put his head against the table.

"Sebastian Smythe?" asked the man. "What the hell?"

"I'm sorry," said Barry, standing up and moving to the top of the stairs. "Joe!"

The man followed him. His head began to pound even more.

"What the hell is going on?" the man said. "Why did Captain Singh call you Barry Allen?"

Barry began to feel dizzy. "Please stop," he whispered. He stumbled slightly and then everything went black.

Barry's body fell down the stairs.

"Barry!" cried Joe. He hurried to his son's unconscious figure. The man from the lab came down the stairs after him.

"Barry." Joe began to check him over to make sure nothing really bad had happened.

"Why does everyone keep calling him Barry?" asked the man. "His name is Sebastian."

Joe looked up at the man. "Your from Ohio aren't you?"

"Yeah," said the man. "My name's Hunter. Hunter Clarington."

"Did you go to Dalton Academy?" Joe asked.


Barry groaned.

"Barry?" Joe said, worried.

"No," Sebastian groaned.

"Sebastian," Joe sighed. "Come on. Up you get."

Sebastian climbed to his feet.

"Hunter?" he asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Sebastian," said Joe. "Go home. I'll explain everything to him. You hit your head on the way down the stairs."

"Ok," said Sebastian. "Considering we're in the precinct I'm assuming Barry had to work?"

Joe nodded.

"Got it," said Sebastian. He turned around and began to walk towards the lift again. "Good luck, with whatever case Barry was meant to be working on."

"What is going on?" asked Hunter as soon as Sebastian had left.

"Have you ever heard of Dissociative Identity Disorder?" asked Joe.

"Yeah," said Hunter.

"Barry has it," said Joe, he pulled out his phone. "Sebastian is his other personality. During his high school years he lived with his aunt and uncle to escape the bullies. Unfortunately while he was there Sebastian was in control, so Barry has no clue what happened there. Excuse me, I have to phone my daughter. As soon as Barry is back, i will call in and he can have a look at that evidence."

Joe left.


Barry walked into the precinct the next day, fully prepared for the possibility that Sebastian would come out today.

He went up to his lab and looked around. Hunter stood waiting for him.

"Sebastian?" he asked. "Or Barry?"

"Barry," said Barry. "I assume Joe told you about my DID?"

"Yes," said Hunter. "If your not Sebastian, I can't really treat you as a friend, so."

He handed Barry, the file that contained the evidence he had to look through.

Barry opened the file and began to looking through it. He stopped on a photo of a dead man. His neck was covered in very distinct bruises in the shape of a hand.

"This looks like a case i worked on a few years ago," he said. "Excuse me."

He pulled out his phone and called Felicity. "Hey, Felicity," he said, still looking at the picture. "You and Oliver are still in Central right?"

He paused as Felicity answered.

"Could you guys comedown to the precinct please?" Barry asked. "I've got some evidence I need you to look at. It is very similar to the case I did in Starling City."

He hung up and began to work on his computer, searching for something.

About fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door. "Barry?"

He looked up. Standing in the doorway, was Felicity and Oliver Queen.

"Hey guys," he said. "Could you have a look at this?"

He handed them the picture.

"That looks exactly like the security guard killed by the mirakuru soldier," said Oliver.

"Yeah," said Barry. "I thought so."

Hunter came through the door to the lab with a cup of coffee.

"Allen?" he asked. "What are you doing?"

"Oh," said Barry. "Oliver, Felicity, this is Hunter Clarington. The man killed was part of his regiment."

Felicity looked over at the man and chocked on air. "What the- Cooper?"

"Sorry?" asked Hunter, looking at her. "How do you know my brother?"

"He's my ex," said Felicity. "We were together in collage. Then he was arrested, pretended to commit suicide and kidnapped me and my mom a few years later."

"You're Felicity Smoak?" asked Hunter. "The Felicity Smoak who built the super virus?"

"Yeah," said Felicity. "But it's Queen now."

"Oh," said Hunter. "Congratulations."

"This bruising is the exact same to the bruising on a victim who was killed a few years ago in a break-in at Queen Consolidated," said Barry. "The man who was responsible was objected with a drug called Mirakuru. The same drug was used in the terrorist attack against Starling City. The one with all the masked guys."

"Thank you," said Hunter. "This will help a lot with our investigation. Thank you so much."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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