Gibbs groaned as he watched Jack speedily walk forward and away. "Run'n away from everything won't fix it Jack!". Gibbs yelled after him. Jack turned his head back to look over his shoulder. "Watch me!". Gibbs rolled his eyes and gave up.

Jack strode fast on ahead until he felt that Gibbs was no longer behind him. He slowed down and looked around for Angelica. She sure can walk fast. He walked forward looking in every direction as he went, still no sign of Angelica. Jack pulled back two large leaves to reveal a clearing dotted with stumps and Angelica standing in the middle hands to her hips.

There were hammocks hanging in the trees surrounding the clearing and a small dying fire off to the side. There were a table and chair with sacks leaning against the legs, and barrels dotted randomly around. Jack scanned Angelica up and down from behind taking in her unbeatable curves, thinking about the certain topic that Gibbs brought up seconds earlier.

Alas it was true, all those years ago Jack Sparrow had once fallen to the knees of love, very hard in fact. During the times when he was heavy under the spell of cupids arrows, he had, regrettably, told Gibbs that he was thinking to marry her. Ever since then It have Gibbs another thing to poke at Jack with given the chance.

Jack cleared his throat and broke himself out of his trance and walked calmly over and next to Angelica. Not with out giving her a good look up and down again. She looked over and gave him a stern look, as if she had just heard everything he was thinking. "It's new..". Angelica moved her eyes away from him and scanned the fire. "Still burning, he must be close..". Jack was literally just staring at her mindlessly, everything she was saying flew over his head while his mind was filled with memories of last night. It was as if Gibbs just mentioning his past intentions reawakened an unquenchable lust for her. Unfortunately.

He cleared his throat once again and turned his head away from her. Clearing his mind from any sort of unrelating images of Angelica.

"Jack sparrow..". A deep rough voice nearly made Jack jump out of his skin. He spun around to face the man they were looking for, Barbossa.


Angelica froze as his voice broke the silence. Her breathing hitched as she moved her hand to her hilt ready. "Fancy seen'n ya here, aye?". Angelica turned around carefully seeing the man she hunted for, finally there. She scanned her eyes over Barbossa and his crew behind him. "Might I ask why ya ear on this lovely island?". Jack stood up straight and smiled brightly. "Sightseeing!". He answered confidently Angelica rolled her eyes slowly into the back of her head, mentally face palming. "Sightseeing?...never thought Jack Sparrow was one for sightseeing..". Jack chuckled awkwardly as Barbossa moved forward towards them with a hand on his hilt. Angelica quickly drew her sword and pointed it towards his chest. Barbossa calmly lifted up his hands. "Now now lets not do something that ya will regret...". She glared into his eyes, pushing the tip of her sword harder against his chest. Angelica felt the urge to plunge her sword right through him but the memories of an old friendship that they once shared stopped her. She sighed, letting her arm go limp and fall to her side. Barbossa smiled as Angelica turned her head away as if she was disgusted.

Two men apart of Barbossa crew walked into the group holding a large bore by the trotters. She frowned. Must be the gun shot we heard... Suddenly a loud rustling came from behind as Jacks crew were pushed into the middle with their hands up. "Aye! Watch it will ya!". Gibbs bumped into Jack's back with his hands up as one of Barbossa men pointed a gun at him. "Sorry to interrupt your nature walk Jack but I have business to attend to, and ya be in me way...". Barbossa turned around on the spot as his crew lunged towards their small group, out numbering them. Angelica quickly turned around to run when she was grabbed from behind. "Arr! Get off me!". She snatched one of her arms out of his grasp and elbowed him in the face. Just as she became free, Angelica was grabbed again. The man grabbed her arm tightly, winning the battle for power. "Let go of me!". She thrashed around until he grabbed her other arm.

He ignored her insults as he pulled her arms behind her back, kicking her calf making Angelica fall to her knees. She looked around desperately for jack and saw him face down on the ground unconscious. She groaned loudly. of corse. She felt her capturer tighten his grasp around his wrists as she wriggled. "Let go of me you bastardo asqueroso!" (disgusting bastard!). She tried to stand but the man pulled her back down. "You have no right to do this! ¡Suéltame ahora!" (Let go of me now!).

She looked around frantically for someone to help, she wasn't about to be a prisoner of Barbossa. Unfortunately for her, their small squad had been defeated easily. The men all sat tied around a tree looking slightly embarrassed, having a woman last longer than them in the fight. She gritted her teeth as she tired one last time to get free. Angelica pulled her arms to the side with all her strength, causing the man to fall. She jumped up but before she could pull out her sword to defend herself three men warped themselves around her. She was trapped. They pushed her back onto her knees, hands behind her back and now with three men holding her down.

"Forgot you were a tough one...". Barbosa chuckled lightly. She whipped her head around, and glared. "Usted idiota ignorante patética déjame ir!" (You pathetic ignorant asshole let me go!). Angelica's perfect Spanish rolled off her tongue as her anger grew.

Barbossa frowned and waved a hand in the air. "Tire her and Jack down-". "¡Cobarde! Cuando salga de aquí voy a atarte!" (Coward! When I get out of here I'll tie you down!) Barbossa raised his eyebrows and started to finish his sentence. "To a tree and...". Hector stopped to think while scanning her up and down. "mussel her..". Angelica's jaw dropped. "Mussel me? MUSSEL ME?! I'LL- mmm..mmmm!". One of the men holding her down wrapped a piece of cloth around her mouth. She bit down hard into the cloth as she was forced to stand up. Angelica was pushed over to the side and her back forced against a tree as jack was placed on the other side in the same position. A rope was fastened tight around Jack and Angelica's chest as their wrist's on either side were chained together. "Mmmm! Mmm..mmm!". She arched her back as far as she could trying to loosen the rope, while trying to spit out the dirty cloth from her mouth. It tasted worse than Jacks attempt at cooking. She dug her boots into the dirt, slightly lifting herself off the ground but it did nothing.

Angelica sighed and bowed her head in defeat, causing her hair to fall around her face. She moved her head back up and leaned it against the tree. Perfect. She twisted her wrists feeling jacks hands against hers. He was still unconscious. Captain Jack Sparrow, knocked out in the first fives seconds of a battle, brilliant. Angelica managed to let out a muffled chuckle to herself at the thought of it. As funny as it was, she couldn't do anything until he woke and she didn't know how long that would be. Angelica glanced up at the leaves above trying to at least gage the time. Not a single patch of sky was to be seen, nothing. All she could do now was wait and try to spit out the rag from her mouth.


Scrum dusted off his hands as he approached Barbossa. "They're all tired down Cap'n." Barbossa smiled. "Well done Scrum..". His rough voice crackled. "The first thing ya have actually done right." Scrum smiled wryly. "Err thank ya Cap'n..". He answered, putting his hands in his pockets, walking away head down feeling that his efforts were unseen.

Hector sat down heavily and placed his hands on the map that lay out in the table. He scratched his beard and flashed his teeth mumbling to himself, while running a bony finger over the map. "Cap'n, cap'n!". One of the crew ran up holding a long strapped bag in his hands. "I might ave something of ya interests...". He placed the bag on the table and stood back. Barbossa raised his eyebrows and grabbed the bag, pulling it closer. 'twas found on Jack Sparrow Cap'n.". Barbossa put both hands inside and grabbed the object pulling it out. The bag fell off from around his hands as the other mans jaw dropped. "Is dat....". Barbossa smiled and held it up and moved one eye close to the glass. "My Pearl....". He felt his hands tingle with excitement, not only did he have the Revenge in is power, but he had the Black Pearl in his grasp as well. As he peered closer into the bottle, as the Pearl battled a thunder storm inside.

"Ow did it-". Barbossa cut in. "Magic...". His voice was smooth as he twirled the bottle in his fingers. Without taking his gaze off from the Pearl, he gave the man orders. "We rest ear for the night and make way for our goal in the morn'n, and keep an eye on Jack and Angelica, I don't plan to have me throat slit aye?". He waited for an answer but nothing came. He moved his hands down so he could see the man just standing there gazing at the bottle. "Aye!?". He raised his voice snapping the man out of his trance. "Er a-aye cap'n!". Barbossa rolled his eyes as he placed the pearl carefully down to the side. He grabbed the sword and placed it onto the table next to the Pearl. Everything was going as he had planned; The Queen Anne's Revenge, The Black Pearl and soon, untold riches.

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