Chapter 6

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-Chapter 6-

The calm and cold sea, slowly rocked the ship back and forth. The gently breeze softly blew against the sails, and the sun sat on top of the water. Angelica stirred, and slightly opened her eyes. She felt warmer than she remembered and could feel a heavy fabric over her legs. She opened her eyes more, and saw skin. Not her skin, but jacks. Jack had his arms lazily around her body, and his legs over hers. His chin rested in her head with shirt was off. She couldn't seem to remember jack joining her. Angelica sighed, then softly placed her hands on his bare chest and pushed herself away. His arms slid slowly off from around sides as she tried to not wake him. She pulled her legs out from under his, and sat up. She leaned her back against the wall adjacent to the bed. She pulled her knees into her chest and pulled the rug off. She looked down at jack and smiled. He look so peaceful and harmless when he slept. She had to admit, jack wasn't that bad to lie next to. He stayed still, didn't snore unless he had been drinking to much and seemed to radiate some kind of undesirable warmth that Angelica loved. He also wasn't that bad to look at shirtless either. All those years working at sea and in the sun, gave him a nicely toned chest, strong arms and a tan. He was a strong man, physically that is. She didn't know how jack was going in the mental side of things, but she was pretty sure that drinking gallons of rum a day doesn't help. Mind you, jack had always been a bit 'different' thinking. Or mad, as most put it. Jack never seemed to care what other though of his mental state, as long as he was doing what he loved, he couldn't give a dam. While other men working all day for a pathetic wage, jack was on the sea, living his life freely.

Jack breathed out heavily and stirred, drawing her attention to jack. Noticing that her fugue no longer against his, he moved his arm weakly around the bed in search of her. A frown starched across his face and rolled onto his belly. He moved his hand around until he touched her foot. A smile replaced the frown and he weakly opened his eyes. "Don't want to lie with me anymore darling...?" His voice was crackly and soft. Angelica leaned her head to one side and smiled back. "I thought you didn't like to sleep? As it wastes time?". Jack had often told her in the past, that sleep was a waste of a pirates time, and that rum was all he needed to stay energized, as an excuse for lack of sleep. Jack chuckled lightly and rolled closer. "Yes, but it meant I was able to spend time with you, and that is time well spent...". Jack moved his hand up and down her leg, caressing it. Angelica rolled her eyes. "Wow... I must admit, that wasn't a bad one...". Jack moved his head up slightly. "A bad what?". Angelica smiled and removed his hand form her leg. "A pick up line". She stood up on the bed and stepped over jack. She jumped to the floor and waked over the the mirror. Jack rolled away from the wall and look at Angelica. "How was that a pick up line?". Jack lay on his back and yawned. "I was just merely.. *yawn*.. Stating that time with you, is time that's not wasted". Jack stretched then put his arms under his head.

Angelica cringed at the atrocity in the mirror. "Ugh...". She ran a hand through her knotted hair and groaned. "Look at me...". She whispered to herself. She moved her body so she could look at herself from all sides. "I am, and I personally think you look perfectly beautiful...". Not expecting to hear an answer, Angelica turned around to find jack sitting up and smiling. She rolled her eyes as another groan escaped her mouth. She wore a large over sized shirt that made her shoulder visible, just like her old one, but less slimming. Her pants were were black and roughy cut at the bottom and were so baggy, she was basically swimming in them. She at least needed some sort of belt to keep them up. Hmmm... She looked around for a belt, but instead found her corset. She whipped it around her sides, put her arms around to her back and tried to tie it. She groaned yet again, as tiring it was seeming hard.


Jack pulled on his 'white' shirt, and grabbed his boots. He looked up and saw Angelica spinning around like a dog chasing its tail. He chuckled and stood up. "Need elp, by chance luv?". Angelica stopped and looked up. She sighed. "Yes...". She turned her back to jack and adjusted the corset so it sat where she wanted it to. Jack pulled It loosely around her chest and started to tie. "No!". Angelica looked back over her shoulder. "Tighter..". Jack shrugged and pulled a little tighter. "More..". Jack pulled tighter again then started to tie. "No no no.. Tighter..". Jack pulled tighter until the corset was about an inches from overlapping and started to tie, yet again. "No no! It needs to be tighter!". Jack frowned. "Angelica, any tighter and breathing, will be something ya won't be do'in"... Jack started to tie, ignoring her request to pull tighter. "If your worried about your appearance, just ask the crew, they seem to be look'n at you enough to know where every hair is on ya body". Jack hated how tight she wore her corset. It look so uncomfortable, he had no idea how women moved in these things. She always would have it as tight as possible, jack didn't know why she did that, he didn't know why she had to feel that she had to do that. Her curves were wonderfully perfect to him. Jack tied a bow with the string then stepped back. "There.." He walked over the table and picked up his waste coat from the floor and out it on. Jack slipped on his boots and hat then grabbed his belts.

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