Chapter 10

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-Chapter 10-

This chapter will contain sexual references ;)


The ship swayed softly from side to side, as the sleepy sun swam in the water. The breeze had picked up, but it wasn't strong enough to push them any faster. The muggy caribbean heat, had now been replaced by a cool occasional gust of wind.

Angelica stood at the bow of the ship, leaning over the railing once again. She dangled a bottle of rum over the side, softly tapping it against the wood. She stared mindlessly over at the island. All day it had taken them to get this far, and still they weren't even close enough to lower the boats. Angelica had taken jack advice, she had gotten something to eat, and she had definitely gotten something to drink, but rest could wait.

Her mind raced: What would I do once I reclaimed the Revenge? Where will I go? Will they want me to be their Captain? Will Barbossa be after me? These questions danced around in her mind. She couldn't think straight. All these questions, along with a decent amount of rum, kept her mind occupied.

She pulled her arm lazily back up and put the bottle to her lips. She threw her head back and finished the bottle in one gulp. Angelica had guzzled down around six bottles now. She understood why jack couldn't stop once you get on a roll with rum. They made your throat dry, causing one to drink more to quench their thirst. She giggled to herself quietly, she was becoming drunk. Angelica pushed herself away from the railing sending a pulse of pain up her arm. She grabbed her arm; she kept forgetting it was hurt. She bit down on her lip and looked down at it. Angelica leant her back against the railing. "Siempre me olvido de ti...". (I keep forgetting about you...). She let go of her arm. She could feel a giggle coming on. She lent her head right back so it hung off the edge of the ship. She giggled naughtily then brought her head back and faced the floor.

When Angelica was drunk, she laughed at anything and everyone. She could faintly remember one time in particular, when she became drunk with jack. They decided it would be a grand idea to throw rocks at a said 'richly fellow' while in a tree. Half way through their great prank, jack fell head first out of the tree, nearly breaking ever bone in his body. Instead of helping him, being quite intoxicated, she laughed. During certain arguments, jack liked to bring that incident up. Trying to claim just how heartless she was.

She had done many things, some regrettable, while being drunk with that man. Many, many things.


Jack once again, stood at the helm. He lazily griped the spokes of the wheel with one hand, keeping the ship steady on its corse. He occasionally glanced down at the compass, to be sure that this island was defiantly where it pointed to. He held a bottle of rum in the other. He lifted the bottle up to us lips and drank the rest. "I think I'm done for tonight..". He did a small burp through his words while speaking in a drunken slurry. He grabbed the compass and shoved it into his pocket and let go of the wheel, automatically feeling himself fall forward. He stepped quickly and regained his balance and tipsily walked over to the table, stepping over many empty bottles in his corse. He grabbed his waist coat and tucked it into his belt that held up his pants. He tapped his head, making sure he hadn't lost his prized hat, then grabbed the last two bottles.

Jack stumbled slowly down the stairs, leaning against the rails as he went. "Maybe just many i think...". He made his way down to the deck. It was darken than the helm. Only a few lanterns around the sides, one on the mast, from what he could see. He scanned the deck, until Angelica caught his eyes. She was leaning her back against the railing at the bow of the ship. He smirked and started to tipsily make his way down to her.


She let go of her empty bottle, and turned back so her belly leant against the railing. The sound of a deep voice clearing their throat and foot steps came from behind her. "May I join you luv?". It was jack. She turned her head to the direction of his voice, as he leant on the railing beside her. "Only if your going to share..". She gestured down to one of the bottles in his hand. "Depends, you got anything to offer me first?". He turned to his side with the two bottles near his face, clearly eyeing her up and down lustily. Angelica chucked softly, and turned to face jack. She slowly approached and placed her hands on his chest, then slowly let her hands run down to his belt. "I find that a quite unfair bargain...". She careful moved her other hand and put it on his cheek. She could feel jack tensing up under her touch, he looked completely immobilized. Just what she wanted. Jack shook his head and cleared his throat trying to regain himself. "What makes you say that?". Angelica quickly took her hand off Jack's face, grabbed one of the bottles from his hands and whirled back to the railing giggling. She popped the cork and drank down half. "Because your part the bargain that you desire lasts longer than mine". She leant her elbows on the lip of the railing and crocked her head to look at jack, causing her long brown locks to fall off from her back to over the side of the ship.

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