Chapter 13

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Decided to post the next chapters up until the 35th on here too ahhhhhh HAVE FUN READING and if u want to continue a will provide a link at the bottom for chapter 14 :3

The back of his head throbbed with a strong body numbing pain. A flush of dizziness washed over him as he rolled his head forward. He tried to open his eyes, it was as if they had been stapled shut. All he could hear was the thumping of his heart, and the ringing in his ears. "Ugh...". Jack moaned as his brain commanded his arm to move to the sight of pain. But nothing happened. His brain sent the signal again and his arm tugged forward slightly, but no further.

He felt the cogs on his brain start up and his memory of earlier flowed back. Jack's senses returned and his body allowed him to open his eyes. He gazed around trying to gather his bearings. "Trees... Rock... Bush..". For some reason, Jack couldn't remember where he was or how he became to be tied to a tree. His brain listed all possible scenarios that could have lead to his situation, but there was one certain possibility that seemed more... 'Jack Sparrow'.

"Rum..." He look down to his chest and then to his chained hands. Rum did explain his mighty headache, but it didn't explain why he was tied down, or the fact that there was a strange fellow staring at him from a far. He just sat there, watching.

Jack frowned, crocked his head to the side.

"Finally, Your awake.". Jack felt the chains wrapped around his wrist, pull his arms further around the tree. He knew that voice, he knew that lovely voice to well.


His thoughts rattled around in his brain, as there was only word that seemed to tickle is tongue.

"How?". His raspy pirate voice getting the better of him.

He heard Angelica snicker, then proceed to answer, seeming quite amused, the sort of amused tone that only Angelica could muster, usually leading to his embarrassment.

"Well after only five seconds of battle... You were face down in the dirt unconscious and-... Oh, everyone saw by the way... then they tied us to this tree...".

He sighed deeply. As much as he didn't want to believe it, Angelica's proposal seemed more than likely. He felt the late flush of embarrassment wash over him, as Jack could practically feel his manliness deteriorate.

He lent his head back against the trunk and looked up to the canopy. Losing a slight portion of his manliness to an old coot with a stick as Barbossa watched on in delight, was something he could live with, as Jack had the Pearl and HE didn't.

He rolled his head back down and to his chest in reassurance. Jack scanned himself looking for that familiar cheap cloth strap and budging sack, but nothing. He chuckled to himself as if it was all a joke.

He whipped his head from side to side frantically while his heart pumped fiercely.

" no no no no...". He fidgeted madly, kicking his feet and looking for his precious satchel.

"Ar! Be carful will you! Your crushing me when you move!". Jack just ignored her and leaned forward making her squeal.

"ARGH JACK!". Suddenly a loud metallic clinking sound made them both fall silent.

The chain had snapped.

Jack stopped and leaned back against the tree, bringing his free hand up to his face.

"OI! what's goin on over ear!". The man who watched jack stormed over. Quicker than a whip, jack flew his hand back down by his side. "Er... Nothing!". Jack smiled as innocently as a pirate could smile. He scanned him up and down before stepping around to take a glance at Angelica.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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