Chapter 5

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-Chapter 5-


The morning had pasted, and the sun was now beating down warmly upon them. The smell of sweaty men and salt surrounded the ship like a thick fog, but it was a sign that the crew were working had. To Angelica, they smelt as if they had been working out on the sea for months, despite only being out for only five hours. Jack stood at the helm along with his first mate Gibbs, both awaiting Angelica heading. Which was proving to be harder than firstly anticipated.

The point of the compass spun from left to right, over and over again, despite as much as she tried to concentrate. It had worked before.. When we were in the storage room.. Why not now... Angelica rubbed her forehead with her hand and signed deeply. She leaned her body on the side if the ship and looked down to the water holding the compass in one hand. The cool wind blew her hair up and around her head, as the salty splash back from the waves breaking on the ships hull, softly landed on her face. She grabbed the compass with both hands and turned her body around so her back was leaning of the rails. She shook the living daylights out of it, then closed it immediately. Angelica lifted up the compass and pressed it into her chest. Come on... Point me to what I want...she flipped the compass lid open and watched it spin madly. He eyes followed the point until it stopped in an easterly direction. A smiled ripped across her face.

"Hah! Through you could rule me...". She scoffed. Angelica turned back and leaned her chest against the rails and looked over to the direction the compass pointed to. Her eyes widened and she stood up straight. "No.." She looked down quickly then up again. "No, no, no, no, no!". She shook the compass frantically then looked down at it again. It wobbled slightly, but still returned to pointing straight at Jack


Gibbs watched as Angelica shook around like a mad man. "What do ya think has her panties in a twist Cap'n?". Jack turned his head to Gibbs, keeping his hands on the wheel. "Hmm?". Gibbs leaned over the small amount of railing near the wheel and pointed. "Look at er... She going mad with the heat!". Jack raised his eyebrows. Angelica going crazy with the heat, that was something he had to see. Jack left the wheel and leant over the side next to Gibbs. They watched as she flung her cupped hands around and around, then suddenly stopped, looked down, then repeated the process. Gibbs let out a chuckle. Jack squinted his eyes down at her. "I don't think it's tha heat Gibbs...". Jack made his way to the stairs. "Man the wheel mate". Gibbs nodded and grabbed one of the spokes on the wheel. "Aye cap'n". Jack steeped down the stairs muttering to himself. "We'd be need'n that heading if we are to get anywhere...".


Angelica shook as hard as her arms would let her. "Mal mal mal mal!" (Wrong wrong wrong wrong!). She flew the compass lid open and stared down and whispered. "Por favor por favor por favor por favor...". (Please please please please...).


Most of the crew by now had stopped and started to watch Angelica's little display. A scrubby hair man that was originally tying the ropes, leaned down to his friend and whispered. "Even if this woman 'twas a desperate virgin.. I still wouldn't sleep with er..". His friend looked at him confused.

"What? Why not?!" . The scrubby man looked down at his friend. "She's completely bonkers". The two men giggled to themselves quietly.


Angelica watched as the point spin and spin. She watched it as it slowed and strangely enough, it stared to point into herself. "That's not right". "Erhum". Angelica wiped around to find jack standing right now in front of her. She quickly shut the compass and pulled it into her chest. "Id be need'n a heading now luv, we can progress without it". Jack pointed his finger at the compass clutched in Angelica's hand. "Ar... Um...Yes....I...". Jack look confused down at her. "Are you hav'n trou-". Angelica quickly cut in frantically. "NO!.. I just need...". She moved her eyes around looking for an excuse to give jack for her lack of heading. She scanned the deck until her eyes caught the door the the Captains Cabin. "I just need.. To look at some maps to re assure my heading choice!" With saying that, she pushed past jack and scuttled into the cabin shutting the door hard.

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