"You're psychopath"

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Chapter Eight

"Where are they?"

Seongwoo looks around the huge empty field. The student council officer who in charge of the equipment for the coming of foundation week all agree to meet here halfway through lunch time.

He glares down at his watch to check the time. He slouches down the first step of the bleaches crosses his legs in irritation. One thing he hate the most is he doesn't like wasting time. He doesn't have patience to wait for people.

He take out his phone, was about to call them, when he heard footstep behind him.

"I was this close to scold you gu-"

"Woah.. what's with this scolding all about"

He stood there motionless as soon as he turn around to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" He frown seeing her.

Its true that Seongwoo is popular among girls because of his gentle act towards female students, but when they confess their feelings to him, he will forever avoid them and never will interact with them again. So today, Seongwoo obviously not fancy seeing Sena there.

"Am i an outsider that not allow to be here?" She say before sitting down on the bleacher.

"The student council got a quick meeting here. So you better take your leave now" Seongwoo politely ask her.

"So you're saying that you'll going to have a quick meeting by yourself?" Sena ask in confession, since literally the empty huge field got no one else other than them both being there.

Sena really know how to annoy him.

"Look.. let's get this done with. You like me and i reject you. What's so hard to understand about that?" Seongwoo asks, standing right in front of her.

"You didn't reject me though" Sena defend.

" Fine! If walking away completely ignoring your existence is not enough as a rejection, then i'll say in words. No. Clear enough? Now are you going to get out of my sight?" He burst while pointing to the direction where she come from.

"No. It's not clear enough for me. "


"I like you. Its true. But as I said before, I only wants to be your friend. Not more than that. I don't understand why you reject my offer"

"I don't need another new friend. Plus you're not qualified enough to be my friend. Now you better leave before i lose my patience" Seongwoo answer directly.

Of course i'm not qualified enough. you only see boys though. Sena thought inside. Yet she doesn't know anything what's the real meaning behind his word.

"No matter how much you shoo me away today, i have so many options to see you. I have my ways" Sena chuckles while looking at him with a cheeky smile.

This time Seongwoo sat down next to her while calling his officers but he still won't look at her. He's acting like she's invisible.

They only speak like two times before, then the next morning she literally confess that she like him and wants to be his friend. Friend? Just friend? Is she joking? Did she think that low of Seongwoo's IQ?

Of course he didn't know that Sena mistook him as a gay. He didn't have any idea that Sena wants to be his friend, because she wants to help him to clarify his relationship with Daniel. Of course this is not an easy choice. But his happiness will be her happiness as well.

Even though Seongwoo rumor to be gay, but Daniel was known for his uncounted relationship with girls. Juniors, sophomore or senior, he dated them all. So seeing Daniel with bunch of girls around, Sena couldn't stay still doing nothing to help Seongwoo.

"Do you know that the more you're ignoring me, the more attractive you are in my eyes? Of course i'm not liking you because you're the president of the student council or just because you're undeniable handsome and all. But there's something about you that captured my attention. Isn't that weird?" Sena ask while grinning.

Finally Seongwoo turns his head to look at her.

"You're psychopath" He blurts out coldly.

"I feel like you're a good match to be my friend. And i'm so happy that i can talk to you openly like this" Sena continue talking, ignoring what he had said.

"I don't want to. Friend and like doesn't fit on the same sentence" Seongwoo answer right away.

That word took Sena to heart. She did agree with him though. Sena stuck for a few seconds of silent before back into her senses.

"You looks tired" Suddenly she changed the topic.

"I'm not tired. Can you just leave now? My officers might come anytime soon. Please leave me alone. I don't want to get into another rumor. Just leave me alone will you?"

You still care about him? He didn't even notice you Seongwoo. Are you really that blind? I'm seriously envy that Busan guy. Sena's heart says.

"I only want to get know you. Just be your friend, nothing more than that. I know you already has someone in mind" Sena mutters the last part and finally doing what he wants.

She dust off her skirt while still looking at him. Seongwoo clears his throat, trying his best to ignore her.

"I really don't know how to do this. But you're the first guy that i really like and wants to be friend with. I feel like the need to try because i don't like regretting things. Being friends wouldn't kill, don't you think so?" She explain making Seongwoo hesitantly look, still with his cautious eyes.

"But still.. it was nice seeing you today Seongwoo" Sena smile while walking backwards. Not wanting to leave his sight.


"See you tomorrow Mr.president" She suddenly chants before running away as quickly as she can, didn't forget to bid goodbye sign.

"Yahh i never agree to use banmal with you and you better not to come into my sight tomorrow!" Seongwoo abruptly stand up while pointing to her direction.

Without him knowing, a group student council officer were there, curiously watching the entire scene.


ps: so anyone has clue why Seongwoo reject her?

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