dear dad

60 6 2

dear dad,
I just want to know
why'd you build a family to just get up and go?

dear dad,
did you mean to leave me in the rain?
after two hours of waiting, I decided to take the train.

dear dad,
why'd you always make promises that you couldn't keep ?
coming home after winning my game to just to find you sound asleep.

dear dad,
do you even know I got accepted to Yale?
It was right there in the mail.

dear dad,
you missed seeing me as a bride.
saw you later in the bar,
making jokes and laughing with your mouth open wide.

dear dad,
now you lay here in bed ,
the doctors say you might not live
might as well be dead.

dear dad,
you need my liver to survive
where were you at my dance recital at the age of five ?

dear dad,
dying is one of your many fears
you're hurting now, I was hurting for years.

dear dad ,
you are nothing but a stranger
and you're suffering in pain
it saddens me to see you like this but
may we meet again.

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