Hour Four: Victor

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Hour Four (10:42 pm):

I grip the flashlight tightly in my hand as I lead us towards the master bedroom to use the en-suite bathroom. The air feels cool, yet sweat prickles on the back of my neck like a soft kiss, making me more aware of my surroundings than I normally am.

Usually, I'm not as paranoid when we do these things but everything about this house and what we've found has my nerves spiking. Yet, something deep inside my gut tells me not to have fear.

It's a strange yet comforting feeling.

We walk into the master bedroom and I cross the room to the bathroom. The door is already open so I step inside before turning to Doc. "I'll be out in a moment."

His wide green eyes focus on me. "I'm not going anywhere..." his voice trails off and I shake my head. I think even the happy chap who is my best friend, my brother, is starting to become a little creeped out.

I close the door softly behind me, place my flashlight down and get on with my business.

Once I'm done, I use the sink to wet down my hands. There is no soap, so water will just have to do.

I shiver when a soft breeze whispers around me, the sweet smell of a soft perfume hitting my nose. I still, my hand reaching out to pick up the flashlight while my eyes jump from one corner of the room to the other.


The soft breeze is gone within a second.

And so is the smell of the perfume.

I shake my head, hoping that I'm not going crazy.

Doc let's out a squeak when I pull open the bathroom door. I chuckle as he places a hand over his heart. "You scared the apple pie out of me."

"Sorry," I whisper with a light laugh. "All yours."

"Thanks." Doc goes inside the bathroom and shuts the door behind himself.

I start slowly walking around the room, shining my flashlight in every dark corner in hopes that we had missed something. I don't think we have; especially with nine sets of eyes, all which see the same things but in different ways. We all have our own way of searching for something, seeing things in a different way to another. Yet we all see the same in the end.

I come to a sudden stop.

Something softly comes at me from behind.

A cold pressing whisper across the back of my neck. Something pressing at my waist while pulling at my shirt. And a quiet gasp in my ear.

I drop my flashlight as I spin around with wide eyes, my heartbeat loud in my ears.

"Hello?" I say quietly.

My hand goes to the back of my neck, where the lingering pressing whisper lingers on my skin. I close my eyes, imagining the whole thing in my head again.

It's almost like someone just bumped into me from behind yet there is no one there. I open my eyes to look around just confirm it.

The door flies open and I jump. Doc strolls out of the bathroom, fastening his belt. "What happened to you? You look like you've seen a ghost."

He tries to say it jokingly, but the humorous spark that's normally in his eyes when he makes a joke isn't there.

I shake my head. "Not seen one," I whisper, bending down to pick up my flashlight. "More like felt one."

Doc's wide eyes start moving around the room, trying to find something that is not there. "C'mon, lets get out of here. In all honesty, I prefer us being in large groups, than a pair."

I nod my head, silently agreeing with him. Doc leaves the room first, but before I step foot over the threshold to go back into the hallway and back to my brothers, I turn around.

Nothing. The room is empty.

But I know, deep down to my bones, that it's not.

"I know you're here," I whisper. "We won't hurt you, I promise."

Silence greets my ears. With a sigh, I turn around and make my way back to my brothers. As soon as I'm sitting down, a sandwich is handed to me and as I eat, I tell them what happened. Their faces are full of disbelief and curiosity.

"So you're telling me that me that a ghost bumped into you?" I raise my eyes to look at Kota and lift an eyebrow.

"That's what I said, is it not?" I can hear the frustration and sarcasm in my own voice. Kota does too because he looks away and stares down at his hands, not saying a word. He can tell that whatever just happened in the bedroom has shaken me a little yet I still don't feel any fear.

If there is a ghost, which I now really believe there is, it's not going to hurt us. I believe that in my heart.

"So their hands grabbed at your waist?"

I nod at Silas's question.

"And something pressed to the back of your neck?" This comes from Gabe.


"But what?" Luke asks.

"I have no idea," I answer.

"I thought ghosts were transparent and could travel through walls and shit? Why not people?" Gabe asks, pushing some hair back from his forehead and eyes.

Mr. Blackbourne clears his throat. "Honestly, Mr. Coleman, a lot of things we hear and know about ghosts are either things seen and read in books, movies, magazines, and TV shows. Some are myths or just untrue facts. Ghosts are just what they are...ghosts. How they work, no one truly knows."

No one says anything as they process what Mr. B just said. Ghost's are mysterious, that's for sure. I eat my sandwich, trying to process everything, but there's just a little too many things going on. We have questions, and now we're just searching for answers to fill everything in.

"Let's go and see what's going on upstairs," North grunts, pushing himself to his feet.

I pop the last bite into my mouth and slowly get up. As we stand and collect our stuff, I press my fingers to the back of my neck again and close my eyes. I think I know what it was that touched my neck but I don't want them to think I'm crazy by saying it out loud.

The small pressure, a whisper of coldness before it's suddenly gone.

It felt an awful lot like a kiss.

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