chapter 9

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                            you feel like you deserved the beatings ?-Anya

Clarke froze not knowing what their response to this is going to be.



I.................................... Clarke then sighed.

you do not have to tell us anything you are not comfortable with Clarke-Lexa said with a slight glare at Anya and then squeezed Clarke's hand trying to be reassuring.

Anya did not notice the glare she was watching Clarke's face and waiting for her to respond.

Jake went pale not knowing if he wanted to know the answer and feeling slightly guilty for not thinking of that.

Clarke whatever your response to this question we will not be mad at you-Lexa said

lexa's eyes softening when she see's fear in Clarke's eyes.

Clarke relaxed a bit at her words.

clarke sighed again and finally said.

 yes I believe I deserved most of the beatings.....-Clarke

clarke looked at the shocked face's around the tent and hurried to finish before they cut her off.

I mean I could have done more I could not have stood up to her the times I have. I could have gone out more. I could have tried a little harder to stay out her way or I could have tried to bond with her a little harder or asked more questions when she was teaching me this that I would need to know if I ended up becoming a healer up there instead of just shaking my head every so often and mutting a yes every so often....... maybe just maybe she would have not hurt me as much as she did maybe just maybe she would have cared maybe even loved me Clarke finished just above a whisper.....................................

Jake looked like he was about to cry after hearing that.

Anya looked mad but hid it well.

Lexa looked murderous that Clarke's mother had made Clarke feel like this and remembered the promise she made her self and took a deep breath.

Clarke.................. lexa started and paused until Clarkes and her eyes locked.

nun of this was your fault she is just to blind to have noticed on how great you are you are an amazing fighter you have even managed to do something few have managed to do and that's put Anya on her ass lexa said with a chuckle and Anya scrowed and amazing healer from what neko has told me and the fact people all over tondc have came up to me and told me the things you have done for them and there familys lexa said with a gental smile on her face and are on your way on learning a second language that in it self is hard to do..... and if one day she and the other on the ark come down here by then everyone will know what they have done and what they are camble of and we will be ready and as for your mother I have a special plans for lexa finished with a dark chuckle.

Anya smirked having a good idea on what those plans probably are lexa can be very protective.

Jake smiled at lexa in thanks for taking the words right out of his mouth but did wonder what plans she had for his soon to be ex-wife if he had it his way.

Clarke had tear's in her eyes and smiled at Lexa not knowing what to say then decided on hugging her after a few minutes they pulled away but not far.

                                      (Lexa and Clarke having forgotten that they are not alone.)

Lexa and Clarke's eyes still locked Lexa and Clarke only just realizing how close they are.

                   (They can are so close that they can feel each other's breaths on their lips)

Jake and Anya looked at each other in shock to the two girls in front of them.....

clarkes eye dart from lexa's lips to her eyes so fast that lexa only just court it.

that was all the encouragement lexa needed to connected their lips together in a sweet kiss.

Jake and Anya's gore dropped not knowing what to do or what to say they just stood frozen in place.


Lexa and Clarke broke apart when air was needed and they started panting and rested their foreheads together.

thank you, Clarke whispered.

for what? Lexa whispered back.

Jake and Anya still watching still frozen in place at what they are seeing.

for what you said.... for being you am starting to think that............ my mother never wanted me in the first place and she did what she did because she was trying to get rid of me Clarke whispered.

you do know if that if the reason when she comes down here she's gonna find out that no one messes with my people or who is mine-lexa whispered with determination in her voice. 

Clarke pecks lexa on the lips in reply.

lexa smiles back.

their moment is broken by a wolf whistle and someone else clearing their throat.

Lexa and Clarke look up startled to see a smirking Anya and Jake with a smile and a raised eyebrow as to say when did this happen....................................................


hope you enjoyed this chapter I tried not to leave this chapter ending on a cliffhanger like I have done a few time's and am sorry for the last one I was tried and it was late so I just posted and then I went back to see where I left off I realised what I had done so...... yeah by i mean late i mean writing to early hours in the morning late hehe........... because i have made abby evil in this i have been thinking about making the queen of the ice nation nicerand by what i mean by nicer i mean that she respects Lexa as heda and her choice's not sure yet just throwing this idear out there i prombly will end up doing it am starting to like this idear but not sure 100% yet..............................anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter again -Chels out :).........

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