chapter 16

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Lexa wait's for an hour to give Clarke time to rest. then starts to get off the ground to wake Clarke up. but happens to stand on a twig. that snapped Clarke awake. that course's Clarke to tense then with her right hand she reaches for her favorite knife that is just the easiest to get a hold of and then raise's it and look's around.

as soon as Clarke see's lexa she relaxes and then lower's her arm that is holding her knife. clarke then sighs with relief then put's the knife away.

Lexa watched how Clarke tensed and reacted to the small noise then relaxes as soon as she see's her. that course's Lexa to frown with concern Lexa then waited a moment in that course's an unwanted silence between them but when lexa was sure Clarke had calmed down she broke the silence by saying.

Clarke.....(Clarke and Lexa locked eyes) lexa then continued you are safe here Clarke the pauna is gone you have done us all a great services Clarke but we will talk about that later Lexa paused (Lexa said in a tone that Clarke knew very well Lexa only used that voice when that she could not get out of it.) Clarke sighed and nodded.

Lexa nodded back and continued

you are safe here with me Clarke...-Lexa said with a soft voice.

Clarke then small smiles at Lexa and Clarke blushes a little.

                                      (They are still sitting on opposite sides of the fire.)

I know Lex it's............ just I've been through a lot in the last 24 hours.................I didn't even know if I was gonna survive- Clarke finished voice just above a whisper and then Clarke broke eye contact with Lexa and then looked down at the fire ....

Lexa still looking at Clarke sore her actions

it hurt Lexa at the thought of Clarke not making it.

and with that Lexa got lost in her own thoughts of what it would be like if she had lost Clarke today. 

she just realized something .................... she almost lost Clarke today then she remembered how Clarke had screamed Lexa then closed her eye's and shook her head a little to try and get Clarke's scream to stop ringing in her ear's.........

then Lexa thought what it would be like with no Clarke would imply.

no kisses, no hugs, no more holding hand's, no one to listen to her rant about her problem's and for her to listen to her rant's, no one to protect from the word and to have by her side, no one to help her prove that asshat Titus wrong and worst of all no more Clarke........ Lexa did not think she could live in a world without Clarke by her side.... then and there she promise's her self that she will do anything and everything to have Clarke by her side for as long as Clarke will have her.But for all the time that Clarke will have her she will fight for it and if at some point Clarke does not want to be her's anymore then she will fight just for a chance to have that amazing woman in her life and if they stay together then she will do anything and everything in her power to keep them together and in time she will show Clarke how much she love's her and don't forget how much she is going to spoil her with everything she has been through she deserves it.  

out of the corner of her eye she see's something move back and forth that make's lexa tense's and that made her snap out of her thoughts.

but as soon as she realizes's it was Clarke she relaxes but quickly turn's to worry when she release's that Clarke is rocking back and forth a bit with her still looking at the fire. 

Lexa watches her for about a minute then decide's it's too painful being this far away from her after the day they have both had and the fact that Clarke need's her right now.

so Lexa get's up from her spot by the fire this time thankfully not standing on a twig or anything this time. lexa slowly made her way over to Clarke then sat down by her and put one arm around her to holt her movements. Lexa's movement's made Clarke's head snap up to Lexa and they lock eyes.....................


sorry for the late chapter enjoy --------chels out :)...............  

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