Camren University

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Camila's POV Chapter 2

So there I was, back in our dorm room. I wasn't sure why I came back but I new it needed to be done. I had to tell her how I felt, she deserved to know. I waited and waited until I heard the click of the door handle, then I felt every part of my body start to tremble. We stood there, blankly staring at each other for minutes, neither of us knew what to do. All of a sudden, Lauren started to come closer to me, until our lips met, but she must have taken it the wrong way, when I came back it was to tell her I was changing dorms, I did not what so ever have any feelings for her, that is until Lauren ended up pushing me onto the bed. I wasn't sure how I felt about all this, my brain knew it was wrong, but my body knew it was right.

Jolts of excitement went through my body when she started stroking every inch of it. I felt guilty, yet satisfied. I didn't want to stop her, so I let her keep going. She started kissing me, hard. Everywhere. When she started getting lower and lower on my body, I started to moan, I never wanted it to end, but yet at the same time I did.

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