Bucky didn't pay much attention to what Nava was saying, and thought more of the dream. He had to let her go, because if they remained close, there was too much to lose. He uncapped the water bottle and drank what was left.
"I'm fine."

"I have something that can make you feel better," Nava said, and stood up from the chair she was sitting on. Her bare feet caused the wooden floorboards to creak. She put her tiny hand in Bucky's and pulled him.

"I had a nightmare." he said, and sat up in bed.

"No, really? I thought you were just screaming in your sleep because you were having a blast. It'll be alright," she assured towards the end, because she thought she sounded too mean. "All soldiers have nightmares."

Nava tugged on Bucky's hand once more. "I had a dream that I... had to kill you."
It was soundless after that. The only thing heard was the pitter-patter of the rain as it landed on the roof. That had to have meaning behind it if Bucky didn't want to kill her in real life. "Well, as long as you didn't do it in person,
I'm okay with it." Nava managed to get Bucky's legs moving as she tugged on his arm annoyingly. "Close your eyes." Bucky let out an undramatic, almost inaudible sigh, and shut his eyes. Nava led him towards the area that contained the kitchen and the living room. Her stomach growled just smelling the food.

"Open up."

Bucky stared around in awe.

There was a table filled with junk food including Skittles, Twix, and any modern day candy he probably hadn't seen before. Red Christmas lights were strung around the room, twinkling on and off to give the walls a nice glow. It was the only thing that kept the room illuminated besides a lamp that Nava decided she would leave on. In the center of the table were mini bottles of scotch whiskey, her favorite alcoholic drink. On the table next to the couch was their dinner, which tonight was Wendy's. There were two burgers, curly fries, and chicken nuggets. Nava chose several movies she thought Bucky might take interest in, along with songs she liked.


"Don't you like it? It's modern night, I'm going to get you comfortable. You'll get killed if you don't know what's going on. Adapt." But Nava wasn't prepared for what he said next.

"I don't deserve all this."

Nava disapproved of his beliefs. She could tell from the beginning that he experienced much, his eyes gave him away. She focused a lot on people's eyes, they were the first feature she noticed in a person. The second Nava first saw him, heard him spoke, she knew he deserved better. That was the point of the whole evening she had planned. She was going to pass on her knowledge of the world before she left him lonesome.

"No, you don't deserve all of this." she said, making Bucky go cold. "You deserve better."

Nava wrapped her arms around him in a tender way; she did it slow enough so that he would understand what was happening on time to hug her back. Bucky was tense. This was their first hug where one of them wasn't delirious and unconscious. He eventually relaxed into it, and it was a prolonged hug. When they separated it was awkward, the closeness so sudden that both of them backed up, Bucky into the counter and Nava into a chair. "Come on." she said, took his hand, and led him to the couch. "Fast food. Called Wendy's. Their nuggets are amazing, their burgers are outstanding, and their fries are exceptional. I'm going to fatten you up. And now, we're going to watch Shrek. Don't ask what it's about; you'll see."

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