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WHOSE THAT HUNK OF BEEF? Nava teased. There was a giant screen containing an image depicted of Bucky, a caption placed next to it. His hair was cut short and he didn't have a hair on his chin. Not long ones, anyway. Bucky looked a little uncomfortable, his hands shoved into his pockets, and his posture slouched. He let out a tiny grin due to her comment, but it wasn't a real smile, it was just a reassuring placement. "Read it," he suggested.

Nava's eyes scanned over it several times. She never really admired museums until now; this information meant something to her. It read 'Best friend to Captain America' and Nava flinched. I smashed his best friend, she repeatedly thought in a fright. She tried to dismiss the thought, focusing on the fact that his name was 'James Buchanan Barnes' as it stated in the first line. After reading it several times, she read aloud, "James Buchanan Barnes, huh?"

Bucky nodded.

"Not bad." Nava looked around in awe. It was like Bucky's whole life story in a room. It was Bucky's whole life story in a room, for the most part. Her head went from left to right, eyes trying to find something to land on. Voices were carrying around her, the amount of people making their speaking audible. On a giant wall was a picture of a group of military men, Captain America in the middle, Bucky on the other side of him. In front of each image of a man was a mannequin, dressed in the clothes each solider had wore. "You were a lady-killer, weren't you?"

"One of the best," he joked, and Nava smiled lightly to his comment.

"If I knew that when I met you, I would've been a lot nicer," Nava glanced back at his caption. It hurt her heart to see all these people that risked their lives and died to defend their country. She got a vibe of sadness, goosebumps dancing on her skin. Her eyes were watery, but not nearly enough to cry. She shook her head. Why was she sitting on her ass, hiding from SHIELD? Were they even still looking? Why doesn't she get up, and help the world? The Smithsonian museum was an intense inspiration.
"Are you okay?"

Nava avoided the question. "Dandy." she stopped when she noticed her sarcasm, this evening was supposed to be dedicated to the beautiful mess standing in front of her. "I'm fine. Are you starting to remember anything? Wait so - how old are you? I'm so confused."

"A little bit. I remember Steve. I miss him. There's a lot this museum didn't record that I still have to fill you in on."

"Well, please do, because you're like a hundred years old. This a lot to take in. Oh my - You know what, let's sit down. Let's go get lunch.
Oh my fuck; I find a 100 year old man attractive," she rambled on. "No wonder you're so strong. And did your other arm get so old that you had to replace it?"

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