The infirmary

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I don't own these characters.

Ravens POV:

It was a normal day no robberies, no terrorism, no break ins, no crimes. It was days like these I enjoyed because it meant I could stay in my room and read books without interruptions. Sadly, it was not one of those days as I hoped it would be. I was lying down on a table with my head propped up, in the infirmary because of my injuries. Cyborg was measuring a bunch of charts and x-rays. Turns out I had broken my right arm, and my left leg apparently I couldn't feel the pain before because I was numb from the velocity of the hit.

"Well Raven, looks like you've been knocked up pretty bad. You'll have to stay home for a while and since your sickness interferes with your powers, unless you get them working again you'll have to stay home for about a month. " Cyborg said looking at a clipboard.

"A MONTH!?" I said raising my voice.

"Hey, calm down. Your lucky your half demon rave, If a normal human had taken a hit like that you probably would've had a serious concussion, lost your memory or died." He said with a stern yet gentle tone.

"Fine. I'll just quietly read books in my room." I mumbled.

"Well, actually you can only be in your room when you go to bed at night. Beastboy is going to have to monitor you during the day, incase you need something." He said.

"Why can't he just come in my room?" I asked. I regretted it after because Cyborg gave me a prying smile.

"Oh, sorry I thought you hated people being in your room. But, after yesterday I guess I should've known better." He said teasing. I knew what he meant, I felt really embarrassed . I looked away and blushed.

"Whatever. Forget I said anything." I wanted to get up but, as I prepared to move my body I remembered my condition. "How am I suppose to move around exactly?"

"You'll have to use a wheel chair to get around, and if you want to lie or sit down you'll have to have Beastboy ajust the cushions for you." He said.

"Why does it have to be Beastboy?" I asked. I didn't really want to be around him right now I still wasn't sure about my feelings.

"Because we know that he'll keep you entertained. Starfire was a consideration but, I knew she would make you try her weird tamerainian remedies on you." He replied. "Besides you and Beastboy have a weird bond." He said doing quotation marks with his fingers.

"Fine..." I mumbled.

Cyborg lightly put his hand on my shoulder. "Rave, go easy on him he only cares about you. C'mon give him a chance."

I didn't say anything I just looked up at the cealing. I know Beastboy cares about me... I just don't know in what way. I thought to myself. "Can I get up now?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." He said taking my hand and helping me into a wheel chair. He picked up his communicator and called Beastboy to come get me. 

Kind of a sort chapter, sorry  didn't update last week I went to I see black panther and got Mc donalds n shit and I got home at 12. As you can imagine when I got home I was beat. Anyways i'll try to update another time on the weekend. Sorry if there's spelling mistakes or some parts don't make sense I wrote this kind of quicky.

Please...Stay. ( BBrae - Teen Titans )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें