Starry night

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Disclaimer: I don't own these characters.

Beast boy POV:

It was 2am and I couldn't sleep. I had been lying there for hours I was exhausted but, something was on my mind. It frustrated me, and no matter how hard I tried to shake it I couldn't stop thinking about it. After a couple minutes I decided to give up and just go get a late night snack. I passed Raven's room and her door was open..?? That's weird I thought to myself, Rave never leaves her door open. She wasn't inside either, she's probably still in the tower I thought. I kept on walking to the kitchen quietly calling her name trying not to wake up anybody else. I got to the kitchen but, still no Raven.. I heard mumbling coming from somewhere. I looked around and thought I should check the roof. I kicked the panel door open and just as I thought, Raven was meditating.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos..." she repeated still levitating.

She sensed my presence and stopped. She stood up and turned around to look at me, "What are you doing up here? And why aren't you asleep like the others?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

"What are you doing up here? I asked. and why aren't you asleep?"

"Beastboy..." She said with an annoyed tone glaring at me a little.

"I've been lying in bed for hours and I couldn't sleep, I was going to get a snack but, then I noticed you weren't in your room so, I was worried." I said crossing my arms.

"Oh. Her expression changed from annoyance. I couldn't sleep either and I came up here to meditate for the fresh air." She said in a calm voice. She turned her head up to the stars, the moonlight illuminated her face and made her purple hair shimmer. My heart beated a little faster as I observed her face.

"Mind if I sit with you?" I asked shyly, scratching my head.

"Sure." She said.

We sat there in silence for a little while. The summer night was calm but, cool with wind occasionally brushing by our hair. The stars were shinning bright and the sky was purple with light blue like the universe was smiling down on us. I moved my hand a little closer to hers as a shooting star slowly passed by..

"Make a wish." Raven said, turning to me with a grin, then closing her eyes.

I closed mine too and envisioned my desire. After that it was quiet once again, I yawned and stretched my arms out.

"Guess I'll go to bed now." I said tiredly rubbing my eyes. I got up and as I was about to leave the roof I heard a small whisper.

"Goodnight Garfield..."

I stopped for a second, how I hated when she called me that but, for some reason I smiled. "Goodnight Rave." I whispered back.

That night when I had closed my eyes I made a wish, little did she know, she was sitting right next to me...

Alright, here's my first chapter of BBrae. I've seen a lot of people write Fanfics and kind of stray away from the characters personalitys but, I personally prefer to stay more true to the characters. In most BBrae fanfics Raven and Beastboy are already in love but I kind of want to start with the crushing faze and move up from there. I just gave them some intimacy this chapter to start them off, there's gonna be more next chapter though. Hope you enjoyed!

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